Thursday, March 20, 2014

Luck of the Irish

Last Saturday they did the third annual Luck of the Irish 5K. We ran the other two, so we went and supported again. If you don't remember, check out the last race.

This year was WINDY; terribly gusty. We all wore jackets and huddled against the building using it as a shield from the wind until the race began. Naturally we warmed up quite a bit during the run, but even at the end there was a long stretch that was right into the wind. Killer.

Tyler took the stroller. The original intent was to have Daisy walk along beside. (It's about time she did more than ride.) But the wind was so bitter, I tucked her into the stroller with Pearl and a blanket and I told them not to move. (I wish I could remember the days when people strolled me around? I guess there is always the chance that my time will come again, except in a wheelchair. Okay, I don't really wish for that.)

June joined Tyler. They were off like a shot. Ivory stuck by me. I told her that we would keep a good pace and not worry about what anyone else was doing. So I ran, and Ivory talked, and talked, and talked, and talked. I'm pretty sure she didn't stop the entire race. At one point, I interrupted her and told her that one of the ways you can tell that you are running a good pace, is that you can talk at the same time that you run. She clearly was running a good pace. Then she asked if I was running too fast, since I wasn't talking much. (Thanks Ives. I should have told her that I couldn't get a word in edgewise.) I mentioned that I could talk if I really needed to, but since I had already worked out at Boot Camp that morning and was pretty tired, it was easier just to run in silent mode. (This was very true. Going to Boot Camp before the 5K was not my best decision, but I was extra proud of myself when I finished the race.)

Ivory and I kept up our good pace. Eventually Tyler and June came into view. Then we got close, and passed them. I told Ivory that our steady pace was awesome. She was getting tired and sore by the end and she said her legs were crying, but she still didn't stop. I was so proud of her. She was such a trooper. She finished just ahead of me. And Tyler and June were less than a minute behind.

Tyler and I were slower this year, but we were running with kids (and stroller for him). Ivory rocked it. I think she was the first girl in her age group. (Although there was someone named 'Courage' who crossed the line right with her, but I honestly don't know if that is a boy's or girl's name. Help?)  June was the second girl in her age group to cross. Fantastic.

Robyn was running with a friend. She came in a bit later, but she did a great job. She probably ran most of it. The worst part was waiting in the wind for her to come across the line. (Yes, I whine, but it was cold.) I'm really proud of the kids. They don't do a lot of running. But they are active kids and I was super impressed they could keep up a steady jog.

Rode in the Stroller

It won't be long before the girls take off and leave me in the dust. Ivory was using me for moral support, but I know she had more energy than I did. I was a little disappointed, because they split all the age groups by gender, except for the younger kids. So the three medals for 7-8 year olds went to boys that came in ahead of Ivory. If they had done girls, Ivory would have gotten a medal for sure. Oh well.

Tyler was rocking his viking beanie. I took a picture before hand. He was practically the mascot as he ran, although the beard is not the best to run in on a windy day. He kept inhaling yarn strands, and spitting them out again...only to re-inhale them. 

We didn't take any other photos, but the Vineyard Elementary staff had some people photographing the event. They even referred to Tyler as 2014's Viking Mascot as she snapped a classic Viking Victory pose of "Raging Viking." Here are Vineyard's photos.

After the race, everyone bolted for the car to get out of the wind. I stayed to see if we won anything in the raffle, but as usual they called the number right before and after ours. But I would say that we were still winners that day. Good job Cazier's!!

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