Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Color Me Again

Family was in town last week, so it shouldn't surprise anyone that we went to Color Me Mine. (Well, it shouldn't surprise anyone who reads this blog.) Sadly, family had to leave before the pieces were finished, but luckily I am posting pictures on here for them to see. (Unluckily, we'll see if the pieces can survive the children until we see them again. Hee hee. Just kidding. I put them up on a high shelf right after I took pictures. Unless there is an earthquake, they should make it.) I am taking pictures of both sides so they can get a better idea of how they look, since they can't hold them and examine them in person.

Let's start with Tim's horse. Nicely done.

And looking good from this side as well.

Mom did a huge project as usual. And they always turn out great. I still can't decide which frog I like the most.

The texture on the purple frog is awesome.

Miranda did a cute teapot. I have never seen that piece at the store before.

It turned out so darling.

I was going to make another dessert plate. However, they no longer carry the same style plate. So I ordered more and will have to wait for them to come in. In the meantime, I painted something for Pearl and let her help a bit since she was dragged along. She chose the colors and painted the inside.

You get the idea that it spells her name. Even though you can't see the 'L'.

Fun, fun. Ivory and I went to Color Me Mine for a date recently and Robyn requested to go there for her birthday, so I'm thinking I will have more pictures in the near future. It is a great place to let your creative juices flow.


  1. I think they turned out pretty well, although I wish that I hadn't picked two colors that were so close together for the two bottom frogs. They rather blend together. I think Tim's horse is awesome (but he says he doesn't like it - typical!). And didn't the teapot turn out well?

  2. I think they turned out pretty well, although I wish that I hadn't picked two colors that were so close together for the two bottom frogs. They rather blend together. I think Tim's horse is awesome (but he says he doesn't like it - typical!). And didn't the teapot turn out well?
