Tuesday, April 22, 2014

This Class is Crackin'

Last year I did a Crack Off in Robyn's class, so this year I went to June's. (Ivory has already petitioned for 2015.) The kids had a great time. They dove right into decorating their eggs.

June feels more pressure than most kids because of our high decorating standards.

I think all the kids did a fabulous job. Looks like a whole tray of soon to be cracked eggs.

Watch the pictures. All the kids did a good job remaining at their desks....for about five minutes. This is one of the first battles. A noticeable difference from how many kids are surrounding the table by the end.

Mrs. Mahoney does not normally have an Easter party, but she liked the idea that the boys have no physical advantage in this competition.

We only had to call the 'Eggzaminers' in once. The crack in Josie's egg was so slight, we had to look pretty hard to find it.

Mrs. Mahoney did well.

And she was a good sport when she lost too.

Hannah was the funniest. (She is June's best friend.) She was SO excited each time she won. She is off the ground jumping for joy in this one. (Most likely because June wins so many of the games they play and the roles are reversed here.)

Another fantastic face from Hannah here.

But she should be happy. She made it to the final two. The competition was fierce.

Let's do this. (Once again, notice the amount of kids surrounding the table. I think they were into it.)

And Hannah WON!! She immediately went over to celebrate with her mom.

Nicely done.

Here she is with the only egg that made it through unscathed.

And check this out. She was prophetic. I think this statement (written on her egg at the beginning) says it all.

The other moms brought super yummy treats for the kids. I think everyone went home happy. Happy cracking everyone.

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