Saturday, April 19, 2014

Easter Flashback

Can you name this kid?

Did you guess Daisy? It is Daisy, just a younger version from approximately three years ago.

You of our traditions is hiding a five dollar bill in the eggs. Ivory was telling me that she really wanted to find it this year since she had never gotten it before. I had to correct her and tell her that, indeed, she had found the fiver in a previous year. In disbelief, she still argued, and I told her that I could find a picture proving my statement. I did. It isn't terribly surprising that she didn't remember, since it was five years ago, and she was only three. In fact, it was the very first year we hid a five dollar bill.

In my searching to discover the picture, I cruised through many family Easter egg hunts. Except I couldn't find one; 2011. It seemed to be missing. I searched and searched the blog to no avail. I found the Crack-Off and the city hunt, but NO family egg search. Delving into my archived pictures, there was the folder with the hunt, and it looked like I had started editing pictures and never finished. Wow. This isn't like me. (Okay, yes....I have missed many things, but the family egg hunt is not usually one of them.)

I debated about doing a post and sticking it back in 2011, but the blog book has long since been printed. So I opted for a different fun option: let's combine two posts.

And so I give you: THE FAMILY EGG HUNT 2011/2014. This was actually quite fun to do. On the left of each picture is the 2011 version, and on the right is the current culprit. Much has changed in the last three years. Check it out.

The 'P' is much more mobile.

Daisy...well, in some ways she hasn't changed much. (Totally random that she has the same bucket.)

Ivory has grown up quite a bit.

Robyn is still looking good.

I did a double take here. June didn't have glasses three years ago? She actually got her glasses just weeks after the first picture was taken.

Some things haven't changed much. Like making the kids wait on the step for the littles to go first.

Or how I hide things up too high to reach.

Oh....and Ivory did find the fiver this year. She should have no complaints now. (I wonder if June remembers winning?)

 Quick recap of the five dollar winners:
2009- Ivory
2010- Robyn
2011- June
2012- Kaysen (cousin)
2013- Robyn
2014- Ivory

It was a very fun hunt this year. And because my family was in town, we did it earlier in the week. And you know what??? After having our hunt, I had NO desire whatsoever to go to the city hunt. It seemed the kids had enough candy (and money). Also, it turns out that Daisy had a soccer game at the same time. Win/win in my book. I even told the older girls that we would skip it and no one seemed to mind. CRAZY. Well, Daisy minded. She asked about the other hunt later, and I sheepishly told her we missed it. She was less happy. Sorry Dais.

Here, to make up for it, let's put one more cute picture of you.

And Pearl. Can't believe the littleness of her.

I wonder when the kids will out-grow the Easter egg hunt? I'm thinking if I keep putting money in the eggs, the answer will be never.


  1. How fun! Easter egg hunts are a great time, and this looks like so much fun for them.

  2. Too cute. I know lots of adults that love a good egg hunt. What will happen is when they have kids of their own they will still want you to hide the eggs so they go "help" their kids find eggs.
