Thursday, July 24, 2014

The End of the Line

Our time in Washington seemed to go by too quickly. We had such a good time with my family. We played lots of games, commandeered plenty of electronic devices (thanks everyone for sharing) and enjoyed spending time with everyone.

Miranda was especially fantastic with the kids. I'm not sure if they ever left her alone. There was almost always someone on her computer or down in her room. She was so generous and nice to the kids. (How many games of ping pong did you play?)

Tim and G'ma played lots of games with us. (Actually, so did Miranda.) The last night we played until it was absolutely necessary that I go to bed. (Or pass out driving the next day.) Thanks again G'ma for letting us take some games home. Forbidden Island has been a big hit.

Thanks G'pa for taking out time for us as well. I know you are busy, but your grandchildren will never be these ages again.

I was terrible about taking pictures at the house. I think the only one we got was this one, while I was dutifully blogging. (Notice that Tyler took it.)

Like I mentioned before, we took the early bird route home. Tyler had us on the road by 4 am. He drives the early shift and I take over around breakfast time. I do get bored while he sleeps, even though the kids make plenty of noise. I did strange exercises while we drove and checked the Odometer for matching numbers.

Also, look how well I have been doing on the license plate game. (Although I got Kentucky since being back.) Tyler designed it for me.

Sometime in the afternoon we stopped to see our weird thing. It was a wall of 1000 pennies. The original design was put up high, but people have added below it.

There is a sign saying you can make a wish and put a penny on the wall, and if someone takes your penny off they need to fulfill your wish.

We didn't have any glue with us, so we just checked out the other designs. It was down an alleyway and gratefully in the shade.

On the way back, we stopped by this bull. Ha ha, June looks like she is meditating.

It was super hot, so we didn't stay long, because the metal was burning our skin.

We made it safely to Idaho in time for Pie with J.R. It was his birthday that weekend and Jami made pie for everyone. It was delicious and great to play games with family again.

We didn't take any pictures until it was about time to leave the next day. Look, everyone is happy even though we are getting in the car....again.

Thanks (other) G'ma and G'pa for letting us crash there whenever we visit or come through.

There was another new addition this trip. (I've lost track of how many dogs the Cazier's have had over the years. Some last longer than others.) This is Pipsqueak.

She is a cutie and much like Gizmo. (Who has been there a long time.) I'm thinking she will fit in nicely.

And then (after 3 and a half more hours) we finally arrived HOME!! Hello house. Hello weeds. Hello bed. We have missed most of you. Sure is nice to be home. (You know...except for the part where I broke the camera. Plan on a lot of phone pictures for a while.)

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