Saturday, July 26, 2014

A Daisy By Any Other Name Would Be As Sweet

Daisy is such a delightful child. I am so happy that she is a part of our family. I do have slight guilt about her summer birthday woes. (I don't think she has had a friend party yet. She has friends at school, but I am too lazy to find people during the summer.) I guess there are good and bad things about summer birthdays. She never has to go to school. And this year, we actually went swimming on her birthday. (Like I promised last year and never delivered.)

But I get ahead. This needs a little back story. I try to make sure that I am ready a week before a birthday arrives. I like to know what I am making (or buying) cake wise. I like presents to be on sight. I like to have a plan of action. Depending on what occurs directly before a birthday, this doesn't always happen. Like, take for instance, going on a huge vacation right before a birthday. It may be that I wasn't as prepared as I would have liked to have been this time around.

I had gotten some of Daisy's gifts beforehand, but I was still missing a few when we came back from WA. I jumped on Amazon and ordered a few things on Sunday, but I missed my window of opportunity and they were scheduled to come a day late. Phooey. So we divided her presents up and had some early, some on time, and some late. (It makes sense in my head.)


My parents had brought over a huge farm set. I finally put it together for all the kids, but I bought Daisy some magical crystal horses to use with it. We set it up during the day and wouldn't let her go downstairs. Then we blindfolded her for the big reveal. (Great blindfold huh?)


She had a great time playing with the horses and waiting for her real birthday to arrive.

DAY 2 (Actual birthday)

Measured birthday girl first thing in the morning.

Any guesses on which kid will be the tall sister? In fact, I've mentioned before that Daisy is catching up to Ivory rapidly. Well, Daisy put on Ivory's heels that morning and suddenly they were the same height. I give it a year and I think they will be the same size.

Daisy is such a great kid. I can't believe she is already six.

We went swimming for Daisy's birthday. It was really fun and we all had a blast. I was in the water too, so no pictures. But we did stop for balloons on the way home.

Daisy requested brownies instead of cake.

Oddly, this candle looks very familiar to last year. I was suddenly worried that I had never made her a real cake, but you can all rest easy. She had one of my most elaborate cakes back in the past.

I think Daisy requests the number candle because it is much easier to get your wish.

Present opening again. Beanie Boos are a huge hit at our house right now. Daisy named her sea turtle 'Squiggles' and she loves him.

Ivory got Daisy a to-be-colored-bag. If I weren't so lazy, I would go find it and take a picture so you could see how cool it looks currently. But the broken camera thing is really cramping my style. (Oh, and I'm lazy. Did I mention that?)


What? More presents? Will it never end? Daisy loves Jake and the Neverland Pirates. So we got her some figurines.

And Grandma Dargan got her some coloring books. She was thrilled.

I think Daisy had a great birthday covering three days. Next year I think I will try and do a friend party for her. It is about time.

(p.s. Someone remind me please.)

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