Sunday, August 17, 2014

Ogden Temple

I feel we are very blessed to live near so many temples here in Utah, and even more blessed to be able to see new ones being built and being able to take the kids inside for a tour. We try to make it a priority, even if it means a long drive. We saw the Draper Temple when the kids were little. We saw the Brigham City Temple when it was built. And now the Ogden Temple is to be re-dedicated, so I jumped online as soon as possible to get tickets for our family to attend. (I'm also excited because the Payson and City Center Temples will also be finished in the near future.)

It wasn't too long a drive to get there. We were scheduled for an evening tour, so we were racing the sun and I was hoping we would still have light when we exited the temple. Here we are arriving.

A kind lady took a family photo for us.

I am not very good at knowing what each temple looks like, so I was surprised to realize that the Ogden Temple was one that looked like Provo. Here are some interesting facts I found out. The Provo Temple was announced 10 days before the Ogden temple, but they were built at the same time and the Ogden Temple was completed and dedicated almost 3 weeks before the Provo Temple, making them the 14th and 15th operating temples. And they looked very similar. The Provo Temple did not have a Moroni on top until 2003, and I'm frankly not sure about the Ogden Temple. (It seems to have a Moroni in all the pictures, but it is hard to find a Provo picture without one now as well.) This is the Ogden Temple before.

2004, Rick Satterfield

And now it looks very different.

It is more fun each time we walk through the temple with the girls. I was pleasantly engaged in discussion with June through the whole building. She peppered me with questions and we were able to whisper our way down the hallways. I saw Tyler had his hands full answering questions from Robyn, Ivory, and Daisy. But it is great to able to talk with our children about the temple and its importance.

When we exited, there was still some light left. Group shot with Tyler. (I lamented that he wasn't wearing the same tie as before, but in looking back at other pictures, Pearl is wearing the same dress that she wore two years ago.)

Everyone, look at Moroni.

He is really high up there.

And don't forget a group shot with Mom. The water features are new for the temple and quite nice.

Here is Swirly Pearl, and her just a little too small dress.

As we left the temple, we passed by a clock that the girls insisted I take a picture of. They said it looked like a fantasy clock. And it does. You can almost see the white rabbit scurry underneath and Alice running behind.

I sure love my family and all the crazy chaos and happiness that comes with them. I am happy to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and have temples that seal my family throughout eternity. Heaven wouldn't be heaven without them.

1 comment:

  1. The next time you come to visit us, we should take the kids up to the Seattle Temple and let them stroll around the grounds. I think it is a very pretty temple, and it has significance for you family since that's where you and Tyler were married.
