Friday, October 31, 2014


I've mentioned that carving night gets more fun every year as the kids learn to carve their own pumpkins. Even the littles can scoop out guts like champions. It is a night everyone looks forward to. Let's get our orange on...

Daisy had a mini pumpkin (which luckily did not rot) and she scooped and carved that baby in minutes.

Then she painted it like a candy corn and it had to dry for an hour. (Lots of paint.)

Miranda got right to work on her pumpkin.

We didn't give Pearl a knife, but she was great at scraping out guts.

Ivory was helping the Stokes because their pumpkin was huge!

Tyler looks surprised here. Maybe he forgot how easy it is to carve a pumpkin when you have huge muscles like he does. :)

I carved my pumpkin quickly then went to help Ivory. Apparently she bought a rock disguised as a pumpkin. That thing was ultra solid. It only shows how amazing I am that I was able to carve it. Phew. Thank you Boot Camp.

June was doing some detail on her design.

Robyn used a template. She did a fantastic job.

Meanwhile the Stokes were carving Jack, the Pumpkin King.

Nicely done, Kayla and Tyson. (They live nearby and are awesome with our kids!!)

Everyone done? Okay. Let's light these creations. Some people named their pumpkin, but I didn't keep track this year. So they are just labeled by who carved them.

Tyler's pumpkin was supposed to be leering at mine, but I think he looks nervous. Not surprising considering the teeth on my guy. I like the fangs on June's pumpkin and I love that Miranda's pumpkin looks like she is rolling her head back laughing at everyone.

Randomly a bird almost flew into the house in the evening. (Aren't they supposed to be asleep?) But we did let a fly in. So Tyler busted out his awesome fly hunting skills and tracked it down.

That man does not like flies indoors. (I don't either, but I am not quite as dedicated to exterminating them.)


1 comment:

  1. Awesome carving job on everybody's part. Somehow the holiday season comes into full swing when Halloween arrives. Don't eat TOO much candy!
