Saturday, November 1, 2014

There's No Going Back

For the record, I don't think I will be able to post every day of this lovely November, but I'm going to try until I am all caught up. It worked wonders for me last year, so I think I'll give it a go again.

I say lovely November, but I know this is the month where it all goes downhill, weather wise, and winter settles upon us. But I have few complaints because Fall has been gorgeous, right through Halloween. (The weather was perfect last night for trick-or-treating.)

I really like to post about Halloween as soon as possible, but we took too many pictures and I haven't even begun to edit them. Plus, this is Miranda's last day with us and I expect that we will be playing with her more than focusing on chores or responsibilities.

So instead I will give you a little bit of Pearl Lea goodness. She started preschool this last week. I love the program, even though it starts in late October. Pearl has been talking about going to school for two months. The big day finally arrived. First day was just orientation. The kids met their buddies and parents were instructed about what to expect for the year. (Luckily, I have had four other kids go through the system, so I know the drill.)

Second day was the real deal. I dropped her off and sang songs of joy all the way home. (Just kidding, Miranda was in the car so I just smiled pleasantly.) Pearl is going to love school. I am going to love a couple hours to get things done. To be clear, I am not anxious for Pearl to grow up and leave the nest, but preschool is hardly long enough to take a shower. I will still have plenty of Pearl time to satisfy me. And in the meantime she will learn, and play, and make new friends. Win win.

Her first day also coincided with the day they dress up and trick-or-treat around the school, so she was in costume for her school picture. I think it makes it all the cuter. Check her out.

Don't take too much stock in her answers. I find, at this age, that they are easily swayed by others' opinions, stuff around them, and the time of day. I say this because the day after I asked her these questions, she handed me a Tootsie Roll and said, "I don't really like these." So much for her favorite treat.

Five kids in school. I remember thinking this day would never come. That means I will turn around and they will all be married or moved away. (Sigh)

1 comment:

  1. Good Heavens - is that the Nemo Costume I bought at Disneyland ages ago? Surely it doesn't still fit! And you're right, they'll be adults before you know it. Every time I look at Tim I can't believe how big he's gotten.
