Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Bustin Out Christmas

Last post for the 2014 blog book. Gotta get this one on the books now.

Christmas is always a joyous time. This year we tried something new that I really enjoyed. We told the kids that they could NOT disturb us before 7 a.m. We told them that after seven they were welcome to sit at the top of the stairs (which happens to be right by our bedroom door) and we figured the ambient noise would fulfill its purpose. June decided that singing a little bit would be the best way to awaken us, so a little before 8 we were serenaded by five sweet voices. It was actually quite a nice way to wake up and I think I will request morning carols next year.

Five little girls were happy to run downstairs and see if Santa came. Looks like he made it.

But we have an order of how things work on Christmas.

First: Stockings
Even Foot made out like bandit this year. (Thanks to lovely June who filled his stocking.)

Second: (Sometimes First) Tyler made a roaring fire.
Last year he had it ready as the kids came down. This year, we all went down together, but the fire followed shortly after.

Third: Breakfast
I did not have to cook this year, as the children requested Dad's apple pancakes. Win/win.

Fourth: Official Opening of all things presents. (Excepting all Idaho gifts which are saved for a future time.)
We have this guy who always hands out presents:

We open Santa gifts first.

Then we enjoy the pleasure of people opening what we got them. (At least that is my favorite part.) We all drew names this year and had a good time getting gifts for each other. Here is everyone checking out my calendar for the year. (Which I built myself...shh.)

I have to admit one of my favorite gifts was the very official scroll from King Humphrey III. We got the best parent award this year. Sorry all you other parents. There is always next year...

One gift was too big to put under the tree. In fact, it ended up being the bane of Christmas Eve as it took Tyler (and me and neighbor) for-e-ver to assemble. But I think the end result was pleasing to the kids.

Barry and Vicki got us the table, and Megan and Bill added some good paddles. And our family benefited from a lot of fun.

Besides pinging the pong, we also did a lot of puzzles on Christmas Day, particularly because each girl got one in her stocking. Pearl finished hers first, but was happy to watch Ivory working hard on her project.

June had the largest puzzle, but finished it eventually.

Our family Christmas puzzle was already finished (as per orders from June). Like our cute Santa Paws?

What else? We finally got our 2014 ornament. Just in time.

One last picture before the new year. I love this picture of Pearl with Moxy in the sunshine. These two are quite the pair. They make my heart happy. (Yes, even the blasted dog. She is family.)

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year of course!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like your Christmas was as much fun as ours was (although we couldn't play Ping-Pong as Dad has boxes all over the table). Here's to a wonderful 2015!
