Friday, December 26, 2014

The Eve of the Savior's Birth

We don't have any solid traditions on Christmas Eve except pajamas. 

That is a given.

So we were winging it this year, but we came up with a great evening. 

We hadn't gotten out to see any lights, so we trolled around the neighborhoods and found some good displays. One of these years we will actually look up stuff on the internet and find the ones that play music synchronized with the lights. Do they have those in every town??

When we got back, we made Snowman Soup, compliments of Virginia. (All the important basics: hot chocolate with marshmallows and a candy cane stirrer. Yum.)

The kids were digging it.

Except June back there. She stubbornly refuses to like mint. (Much like her father.)

Oh, and she doesn't like whipped cream either. Who is this child? At least Dad likes him some of that.

Now on to the ritual jammie opening. Daisy is sporting a Muppet original.

Ivory is demonstrating how my children don't seem to have the waists to fill their pants.

Pearl is modeling fuzzy bottoms and chill tops.

This girl is walking the catwalk in style. (Or should I say owlwalk?)

Robyn is showcasing animal appeal.

They certainly each have their own style. But I believe they all fall under the brand of awesome.

Sweet dreams to these monkeys. We will probably be seeing them bright and early in the morning.

1 comment:

  1. Great looking pajamas - and I'll say again how much I appreciate that ONE of your children shares Dad and my dislike of mint. Makes me feel connected!
