Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Wallace and (Grom)it

Grandpa got a Grom, as seen in the last post. Tyler thought it was pretty dang awesome. He liked giving Robyn rides, and really, he has a soft spot in his heart for motorcycles since he grew up riding them on the dunes with his Dad and brothers. What could be more cool than visiting Grandpa and riding the Grom?

Well, riding alongside him on your OWN Grom of course.

Behold, in black. (We've named it Wallace.)

I think this bike is great for many reasons. It makes Tyler so happy. It fulfills just enough of his dream to have a motorcycle, but it keeps me from going insane since it isn't made to ride on the freeway. (Not that stupid drivers aren't all over the place, but Tyler is very careful.) Oh, and the pricetag was just right. People joke that Tyler is going through a midlife crisis. I don't think he is, but I'll count myself lucky if the actual event can cost us the same amount.

Other fun things about the Grom. It fits in an elevator, or right by your desk.

Room for two, including all those coworkers who are secure in their manhood.

Who wouldn't like to go to the pump and pay less than $2 for gas? The Grom gets almost 100 miles to the gallon.

It also fits in the van for transport up to ID. (You do have to remove the mirrors.)

A motorcycle does require some extra gear. First came the helmet.

It is pretty cool. It even has a sunshade that can pop down while riding. (Not pictured here.)

Next, the jacket. Bright colors to be seen better and some extra body armor in there. I think he is looking pretty hot.

And he's away.

Going, going...gone.

Now, if we can just get the weather to cooperate for more riding. We can be patient. Spring is just around the corner. And it is looking like good weather in Idaho this weekend...

*Tyler bought the Grom after he came back from Idaho with Robyn. He had it in Idaho when he took Pearl. Jami took a cute picture of J.R. and Rozz on the red Grom and Tyler and Pearl on Wallace. Daddy/Daughter riding, but I couldn't get the picture to download.

1 comment:

  1. Dang! I want one of those things. I have always loved riding on motorcycles, but my legs are too short to hold the darn things up when I stop. I might be able to handle the Grom. Now you know what to get me for Christmas (hee! hee! hee!)
