Monday, March 9, 2015

Ivory's 9 Year Gallery

I do feel badly for Ivory that no flowers will ever be blooming for her birthday pictures, but such is the luck of the winter birthday girl. There was no lack of sun this time around. I wanted to wait for a more overcast day, but this time of year, those days often are accompanied by snow, rain, or extreme cold. So, we did the best we could. Some of the pictures are bright and sunny, but they fit Ivory's personality.

She is such a fun girl. She is working so hard to be generous and think of others. She does random kind deeds and can be very thoughtful at times. She is funny, and has a quick wit. She never seems to be at a loss for words.

She is still doing well in gymnastics and likes to show off her skills when she gets the chance. (You might find some pictures following that theme.)

Regardless of the time of year, birthday pictures are my favorite. I love to see my girls grow and change. If you want, you can take a quick peek back at Ivory last year. (Can't believe it has been a year since she was baptized.)

And now for Ivory in all her nine year old glory.

I'm so glad she is a spunky part of our family!

1 comment:

  1. Wow - some of those pictures make it very obvious that she takes gymnastics. It looks like she's getting very close to being able to do the splits. Nine years of energy in one elegant package!
