Friday, May 1, 2015


Decorating and cracking with my family in Washington is one of my favorite things to do. Grandma went all out this time. Before we even arrived, she had three eggs ready for each person. We usually only do two, but she wanted to make sure that we had extra in case there was premature cracking.

Because we had more eggs, most people decorated three, although we limited two entries per person to the decorating contest. Let's look at all these amazing eggs.

I love Miranda's 'Butter'fly.

Grandma does a really good job on the sea eggs. She has done them before.

Look at all the detail.

The kids were stunned when I made a Sponge Bob egg. They couldn't understand why, because I HATE Sponge Bob. "Exactly," I said. It will be the only egg I will be happy to see crack. (I made another Baymax for Miss Daisy.)

Daisy is getting pretty creative on her eggs.

Ivory's Christmas Tree egg was one of my favorite.

Robyn made some fun eggs. Her Shuttle 115 was very interesting. I wish you could see it rotating. In a lower picture, look for the flames at the end.

Her Mickey egg had two sides. Cute.

Grandpa's eggs were classic Grandpa. I liked the fortune cookie egg the most. Can you see that it says, 'YOU WILL ENTER THIS EGG IN A CRACKING CONTEST' Ha.

Tyler's eggs were looking good, although he shamelessly stole the dot idea from June.

Here are Tim's eggs. Cregg was also on the top of my list of favorites.

Pearl did a great job on her creations. Rainbow Mix she made at preschool and brought all the way to Washington.

June's Speckled Flowers was so detailed, it took her forever to finish it. But it turned out really well.

That is a lot of great eggs. It always makes it hard to vote.

Sadly, I can't quite remember who all came in what place. I remember Tim made the top 8 at least.

I remember Robyn and Miranda scored somewhere in there and got a prize. June came in third I believe.

Grandma's eggs always do well. She placed second.

And although I did not see it coming, my GO WILD! egg came in first. I was truly surprised. I look sneaky in this picture but only because first place were Cadbury Mini Eggs - my fav. Don't worry, I shared with everyone. (Because if I don't, I will eat them ALL!)

Time to crack all our beauties. Everyone knows the drill.

No corral this time around. (I didn't want to haul it to WA. So we were watching the edges.)

Come on Grandpa! Cregg is tough competition.

Here's a good action shot. Look at those eggs go.

Cregg actually was doing very well. He was cracking eggs right and left.

But he had a weakness.


Love Sick took him out and gave Tyler the championship title. (That is twice in one year. I object.)

That wraps up our egg cracking for the year. As always, it has been a blast. Thanks for watching.

1 comment:

  1. I can't remember the order of the winners in the egg decorating contest either - although I do think that June came in third and Miranda and Robyn tied for fourth. I fear I don't have a very good egg-rolling technique. I rarely make it past the second round.
