Friday, May 1, 2015

Hanging with the Neilsens

Going to Washington now means getting to see good friends who moved there. Last time we visited, the Neilsen's lived right in Seattle proper, but they recently moved to the burbs. They have a sweet house in a lovely neighborhood. I'm so happy for them. (Lots more space than their apartment.)

In their city, it feels like everything was built in the middle of a forest. Right next door, there is a pond of sorts and at night you can hear the frogs croaking away. I do miss the atmosphere of Washington.

The Neilsen's were so nice to let us stay with them for a day and a half. We played, played, played. There were epic sand castles.

Exotic dancing.

These two. (Bee keepers? Princesses?)

Ice Cream tasting.

Sharks under a parachute. (SAVE HER LIFEGUARD ROBYN!!)

Beanbag tossing.

And nice walks in the neighborhood.

Camille fed us excellent food the entire time, which is no small feat considering our numbers. In the evening, we read scriptures and tucked all the kids in one room. Sleepover at the Neilsen's.

The next morning, we went to the park for a bit. It is always good to work off some energy. Ivory naturally climbed to the highest point she could find.

Pearl got trapped in a spiderweb, but didn't seem to mind.

This spinny thing was too fun. Once they got spinning, they would throw the ball and hope someone could catch it, but often the ball went in unexpected directions.

I declined riding. As you already know, we had had enough puking for one trip. But look at all the cuteness in one place. I love this group.

Camille and I took the littles on the swings. Pearl had already tried running under the moving swing and learned that acceleration and mass win hands down against a small Pearl. She liked riding in the swing much more than being flattened under it.

The teeter totter was fun. Pearl and I together couldn't bring Tyler up.

So you can imagine the success Pearl had by herself.

It was such a delightful time with the Neilsen's that we were sad to leave. Cannon and Carter were as cute as ever. Camille and Eric are always the best. Thank you guys for letting us share your home.

Driving home we got a glimpse of the Space Needle. It wasn't on our list this time around, but we'll get there someday with the family. I am happy to avoid the crowds and traffic in Seattle.

There was one morning that I took my mother to a doctor's appointment in Seattle. I had to call my own personal GPS (Tyler) to get me there. I really don't like the streets and confusion. It is probably safe to say that I am not a big city gal. Then again, I'm not a farm girl either. Something in between is just right.

1 comment:

  1. They certainly had more activities lined up for you to do than we did. Looks like you had a great time. Wish I could have heard the frogs.
