Saturday, May 2, 2015

Miniatures Playing Miniature

While in WA, I thought we should go miniature golfing again. Grandma was out because she was resting up. Grandpa is usually too busy for trivial pursuits, and Tim and Miranda were not in the mood. Add to that Tyler, who normally would have come, but was actually working away from home. (He put in a LOT of hours on his 'vacation.')

That left me and the girls, but I really like playing with the girls, so out we went. It was a lovely day that turned a tiny bit chilly at the end, but other than that...perfect playing weather.

Last time we did the easiest course. This time the kids opted for the most difficult. Several times someone would complain that it was really hard and I would remind them...yes, yes it is. You chose the hardest one.

But we still had a great time and everyone did a fantastic job. Pearl still has trouble holding the club correctly, but that didn't slow her down much.

Because it was just me, I felt extra pressure to take pictures. Consequently, we have lots of pictures, including more selfies than I have ever taken in one place. Some of our extra picture taking was while everyone took turns going to the bathroom. (Why go all at once when you can wait for someone to come back before you decide you need to go?)

Pearl was a little sad to lose her ball at the end. She did not want to give it back, but I told her we would take a picture of her with it.

At the end, we all got our ribbons. (Sadly, no trophies for us. Some day.) Scroll down to see the standings. Enjoy our day at the miniature golf course.

1 comment:

  1. So sorry I couldn't join you. Maybe you wouldn't have won if I had! After all, I've been golfing for a lot longer than you, and I had a mathematician who taught me to look for angles (Not that it has helped that much).
