Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Preschool Gratulation

Pearl has been talking about her 'Gratulation' for quite some time. I am fully aware that a graduation is not needed for preschool, or kindergarten or many grades in between, but it sure is cute to watch these little ones in caps and gowns. Plus, I had four other children graduate from the Itty Bitty Bruins, so this one was special as it was the last.

Pearl was cute as a button.

We brought the close-up lens again. It worked well from where we were sitting. We could get all her good expressions.

They had a short, but sweet program. They misspelled her name. Never fails.

One teacher---we'll call her the Nazi because she was quite the preschool dictator---was always telling the kids to catch a bubble in their mouths so they wouldn't talk. Of course that meant there were a lot of pictures of Pearl looking like this. (Thank you Nazi.)

The kids sang a couple of their favorite songs for the program. Does anyone remember Toota-Tatta? Where I came from it was called Chichi-chacha. (Maybe it was a WA thing?) Thumbs up, elbows in, knees together, tongue out, eyes closed...

Each buddy spoke about their preschooler a little. Miss Tasia had nice things to say about Pearl.

Pearl stood to receive her diploma. I think she is doing the shy stance.

The student teachers got certificates of their own. Each received a special award. I believe Miss Tasia's was the 'Joyful Persistance' award. She was very patient with the children and was always there to help with her winning smile when kids were feeling sad.

She was a great buddy for Pearl. She made an awesome scrapbook for Pearl and saved many sweet memories that Pearl will treasure later when she can't remember anything from preschool. Here are these two peas in a pod.

And so ends a chapter in Cazier history. Pearl will be closing the book on a lot of chapters. She should get used to it.


  1. How awesome that you have these things chronicled in your blogs. It is like a journal with pictures. Congrats to Pearl for moving up to Kindergarten next year. (The Germans may have lost in World War II, but we still use some of their words, don't we.)

  2. I'm sure they are also mispronouncing your name - so it's actually crazzier, not crazier. hahahahahaha. I can't stop laughing about that one.
