Friday, May 29, 2015

School's Out For Summer

Today was the last day. School is officially out for summer and the kids are all mine again. Yippee!

I really didn't mind sharing them this year. They all had fantastic teachers.

Mr. Mortensen was new this year. He had a wild class and learned a lot, I'm sure. But he made school interesting and Robyn seemed to enjoy every day.

Mrs. Peterson was perfect for Ivory. Just the right balance of fun and discipline.

Mrs. Woods was amazing for Daisy. She was so patient and thoughtful. She worked with Daisy's weaknesses and made her strengths stronger. Daisy grew in leaps and bounds this year. (Not to mention, Mrs. Woods is the one who made sure Daisy got glasses when she needed them.)

Mrs. Billings was the most organized, fun teacher I have ever seen. She kept those kids going full tilt the entire year. There was never a moment of down time, but they learned so much. It was the perfect end to June's elementary experience.

June's class used their last hour and a half for an epic auction. See if you can guess the two major themes of the auction?*

(To be clear, I have quite a few posts left from the school year including June's sixth grade graduation, but it seemed fitting to write about school getting out today. So there will be a bit of back-tracking for a while. Nothing you aren't used to.)

June had a party after school, but the rest of us were planning on a low-key day. It didn't quite turn out that way. Friends invited us over to the park for lunch, so we played there.

Seriously....if you can climb it, Ivory will try. On the plus side, I don't think she suffers from fear of heights.

After we were thoroughly exhausted from the park, Ivory remembered another friend who was having a party. As I dropped her off, I found out it was a water party. (Makes was the first gorgeous, hot day in weeks.) I took littles home to get in suits and we came back to play.

It looks like my kids are the only ones there, but everyone else is having a snack break.

Ivory had a great time. She loves her friends. She almost didn't get to go to the party since she lost her invitation in her messy room and we didn't bring her suit the first time. I hope she learned something about planning ahead and not misplacing things, but it is doubtful.

I didn't meet up with June until after 3pm. She seemed to have had a stupendous time playing water games herself with all her friends. Although she brought home the worst party favor.

To my credit, I did sunscreen the children I was in charge of today. I was not aware I needed to sunscreen June as she left the house at 7:45 this morning. I believe June also learned something today. She will probably be a little more careful the rest of the summer.

Way to start things off with a bang.

*It shouldn't have been too hard to see the Green Bay Packer Theme, but did you also see all the cheese?


  1. I don't think Grandma ever took a picture of me with one of my teachers. In fact, I think the only pictures I have of them are those class pictures where all the students are gathered together and the teacher is standing with the group. How nice to know that your kids will have these memories to go back to.

  2. I saw the cheese but it also relates to the Packers...from Wisconsin.
