Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Coloring is Not Just for Kids

Miranda came to visit us specifically to see Ivory in her play Character Matters, but she had a whole week to do fun stuff with us.

On Monday, we had FHE and Robyn taught us this silly game that turned out to be a lot of fun. You stand in two lines and one person pretends to give a gift to the person in the other line. You can't use real words or real props for that matter. It is just gibberish and actions. Once a gift has been given, the people switch lines so that they can do the other thing, whether giving or receiving. I had put off playing the game because it sounded weird, but it was really fun. It was cool to try and figure out what was being given by watching the actions. Plus, it is fun to talk gibberish.

I can't remember on what day, but somewhere at the beginning of the week, Robyn and Ivory asked if they could do Miranda's nails. Who doesn't like a little pampering?

They each got a hand.

Robyn chose silver.

And Ivory a blue. Miranda has such nice nails to paint. (She didn't get the nail-biter gene.)

Wednesday of course was Character Matters. Fun stuff. I'm glad Miranda could come watch.

That same evening, I stole Miranda away and we went to Color Me Mine. It was my Mother's Day gift to myself, and it was a bonus to have company with me. Miranda made this cute little monster.

I made another dessert plate of course. Now I have six. Two more to go. This one says ...donut worry...

Thursday, Miranda came with me to Book Group, where we were shipwrecked on an island and had to use our skills to survive. Cindy had made a whole game with index cards. It was fascinating to flip cards over as we went around the island and found food and built shelter. It was a good thing it was a game. In real life, I most assuredly wouldn't survive.

Friday, we went to see June in her Dance Festival. It was a blast, but it gets a post of its own, so you'll just have to be patient. (I can only blog so fast.)

Miranda did watch some Pokemon with Pearl because they had the mornings together, but the majority of her time with the kids was spent coloring. Yes, you heard me right. Coloring.

Grandma Cazier had given the girls some coloring pages and I had squirreled them away to use at a later time. I hadn't planned to keep them hidden quite so long...I simply forgot about them. But I found them right before Miranda came to visit.

Miranda loves to color as much as the kids do, and it doesn't surprise me when I see the finished products. They are amazing. Check out all these pictures they did collectively. And actually, this isn't even all of them.

Miranda did not have her own pages, but the kids were willing to donate. Pearl gave her one first. Pearl had colored part of the wolf, but she offered the rest of the picture.

Pearl was so pleased with the end result that she offered another.

Daisy wanted in on the action, so she asked Miranda to color one of hers as well.

Next up, June. I love the way Miranda did the hair in this one.

Well, I love the hair in this one too that Miranda colored for Robyn. (Cool how she put her name in, huh?)

Pearl was happy to donate another after that.

Finally, Ivory was convinced that she could give one up. It was her least favorite, but Miranda did a great job with it.

The girls were great colorers as well. (I don't have Daisy and Pearl's on here because many were only half finished at the time we took pictures.) Ivory used marker instead of colored pencil and I'm impressed with how they turned out.

June did plenty. Awesomeness.

This last one she did, she only used one color. Interesting and effective technique.

Robyn did some as well.

I know I shouldn't have favorites, but this might be mine. Something about the colors and the interesting makeup. So unique and cool.

But really, I love them all so much. Who knew coloring could be so creative and stunning? A big shout out to Grandma Cazier. These are the coolest coloring pages yet.

It was finally time for Miranda to return home. Boo. We hope you come visit soon. Here is a great picture you can steal for your computer.


  1. Miranda told me she had done a lot of coloring while she was there - I just hadn't realized how cool it all looks. Not only her, the girls did a great job too. I recently got a very fancy coloring book, but I didn't like my first attempt. Miranda assures me I'll get better. Maybe I should have her do it for me!

  2. Ok, the shipwrecked game. It's been recommended to use in China as a sort of Survivor type of activity with the students. I'd love to hear more about it. Oh, and while I'm there, I'd love to learn to BLOG!
