Sunday, August 23, 2015

Daisy's 7 Year Gallery

I have been having some computer drama recently. I can't get easy access to my photo editing software so not much is happening on the blog front. I have the final weeks of summer to document, but it is looking like Pearl will have to be officially in school mode before that happens. In the meantime, I finally took Daisy out for her photo shoot and that always inspires me to sit down and blog. Who doesn't like looking at beautiful pictures of their children? Or my children?

SPOILER ALERT: Sadly, I have not been able to document Daisy losing her first tooth yet, but you can notice in some of these pictures. I'm quite glad that we didn't take pictures until now because she is so adorable with that gap at the bottom, but all the official information about said tooth will be in a different post.

For now, just enjoy the cuteness that is Daisy. I love her fun glasses that we got online. (I'm pretty sure that I am never going back to store bought glasses.) She is so spunky at seven. And so easy to spend the afternoon with, while taking photos.

 At the end of the photo session I told her we should take a selfie together but that it would look funny because of the camera I was using. I said, "Are you ready for a really CLOSE up selfie?"

We both thought it was great. The event ended with our traditional treat. We went to Culver's planning to sample the 'Flavor of the Day' but couldn't pass up making our own mint Oreo creation. Yummy!

I sure love my Daisy cakes. She has a great personality full of love and silliness. It is hard not to enjoy every minute you spend with her.

1 comment:

  1. How fast they are growing. Hard to believe that next year Daisy will be getting baptized. What a little sweetheart!
