Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Here We Go Again is back. It is never gone for long. It lurks around the corner all summer just waiting to nibble at toes and eventually suck children back through its doors before the warmth has even left the air.

It didn't take me by surprise because I knew it was coming, but our home has been filled with guests literally until after kids left to catch the bus this morning, so we have been a tad off kilter. Nothing serious, but the blogging suffers in those kind of situations.

The good news is that I should have PLENTY of blogging time now that school has started. Pearl starts Kindergarten next week and I should have "extra" time on my hands. Assuming I don't slump over in sheer exhaustion in the mornings, I may get a steady schedule worked out. In fact, June was helping me map out an efficient use of my time, including 'Mommy' stations. She even has me on an A/B schedule much like the Junior High.

Speaking of Junior High...there is no going back now. June went to school yesterday for 7th grade day, where they have the school to themselves to get accustomed to the new building and system. Luckily she found her best friend at the door.

She came home beaming and so excited for the new year. I think she will have a great time. I think I am ready for this next step. Mostly.

This morning was the real deal. Lunches again of course.

And four cute girls with different hopes and dreams set out into the big wide world.

The bus stop is still down by the horses, although I watched one horse take a snap at Robyn's hand this morning. Maybe don't get too close gals. You will need all those fingers for school.

There are still friends at the stop and friends waiting at school. I think all the girls are excited to be going back. (Even if they don't say it right out.)

Here is to a great school year, with minimal homework for this mom.


  1. I have to admit that it's going to be weird this year with Tim not going off to school - and I'm going to miss the quiet time! It looks like the girls are off to a great start. Hope it's a wonderful year for them!

  2. I love love love the favorites! !!
