Friday, October 9, 2015

A Weekend Close to Heaven

Women's Conference is an important tradition around here, especially now that I have three of the girls that can go with me. We usually go out with the Keen's afterward for dessert, but this year I thought we should head up to Idaho to see Grandma and go with the women up there. (I don't think I have ever gone with Kathryn and certainly not Jami yet.) Plus, there was a new addition. Jami and J.R.'s baby girl arrived in early September and we all wanted a personal introduction.

Introducing Henlee Mae, the freshest Cazier.

Baby love. The cousins were very excited to hold her.

Sadly, Henlee was not quite old enough to come to Women's Conference. (Well...they make exceptions for babies, but JR was happy to watch her.) We gals went out to dinner first.

Don't forget Kathryn. I need more excuses to come to Idaho and hang out with these lovely ladies.

The first session of conference was wonderful. It is great to hear from the general auxiliaries and President Uchtdorf spoke this time around. We finished with some yummy refreshments and took our spirit and tummy filled selves back home.

But even more inspirational to me was getting to listen to my nephew Hinckley speak in church the following day. Unfortunately Hinckley is not progressing as quickly as we would like him to. He is still doing chemo therapy and I think his body is just trying not to regress with all the stress it is under.

He still needs help most of the time to walk. His speech is slow but you can understand him if you concentrate on his words. His attitude has been unwavering in the positive. He works hard and never gives up. When asked to speak in church, he said yes, although he had every reason to say no.

With the assistance of his father, the Bishop, he approached the podium. He shared his solid testimony of missionary work and how we should accept what the Lord asks us to do. I felt it was a call to repentance when he told people that they should accept an invitation to speak or a calling even if it seems difficult. Here was this righteous son of God with so many trials behind and before him, speaking with halting speech telling people what they should already know. The Lord won't ask us to do something we can't handle. It makes me realize how strong Hinckley's spirit is.

Too soon, it was time for us to leave. Sorry Gizmo, Robyn will bring back Coral for you to snuggle with another time.

The car ride isn't too long. It seemed a little longer this time around since I threw my back out Sunday morning. It was BAD. Sometimes I just tweak my back, but this time I was having trouble walking, sitting, standing, and all that good stuff.

Luckily, I have a great team. The kids are understanding when I can't do as much, and I have a super husband. He's got my back. (Well...not literally. We don't both need a bad back.) The miles fly by when you have a good view.

p.s. We always take the dog when we go up north. We stopped using the kennel a long time ago. Princess Moxy likes to ride in style. She clearly is enjoying her trip.

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