Friday, November 6, 2015

Neither Do Men Light a Candle...

...and put it under a bushel, but under a pumpkin instead.

Pumpkin carving is a serious tradition at our house. It wouldn't be October without this ritual. In fact, we got so excited, we couldn't even wait for our usual Monday night activity. We got to work on Sunday. I think I might move it to Sunday from now on. It gives us a little more time.

There is something exciting about the first cut into a pumpkin. I think it goes downhill from there because of the guts, but I have always been a little leery of pumpkin guts. They make my hands itch.

Tyler likes the carve-from-the-bottom approach. Then you can light a candle and put the pumpkin right on top instead of having to reach into the pumpkin. It also makes a great sound cavity. Imagine Tyler doing his most sinister laugh. MwahHaHa.

All the kids are great about cleaning out their pumpkins.

I believe that everyone carved except Pearl. Even Daisy did her own design, although I helped finish it off. We have a good selection of carving tools now...most of them kids friendly.

Got to love the fun shapes that come out of pumpkins.

Tyler put a Halloween station on Pandora, and it was fun to listen to the tunes. Daisy and Pearl were getting into the spirit. Look at my two witches on a broomstick.

Let's see some of these finished pumpkins. Looking good ladies.

Ivory bought her own second pumpkin to carve and Robyn adopted the extra pumpkin that we received at the garden center. They did a great job.

Pearl used the face pieces we have. I like her kitty pumpkin. My pumpkin was the scariest of course.

Here are two cool dudes.

Pumpkins are the stars of this show and they sure shine.

So ends the tale for nine squash.

1 comment:

  1. Such wonderful pumpkins. I am so glad you that you take pictures and blog everything because this is something the girls will look back on and remember with pleasure. Pumpkin carving is an art, and you guys just keep improving on it.
