Thursday, November 5, 2015

Patchwork of Pumpkins

We don't go to a pumpkin 'patch' per se. We always go down to our little garden center. It is tradition now, and the kids get pretty excited.

This year, we snuck in our trip to get pumpkins between primary program practice, June's photo shoot and a date with Pearl. Saturdays can be great for getting a lot accomplished. Sadly, Tyler was not able to come with us. He was hiking around Goblin Valley. But we picked up a pumpkin for him.

Before we even got in the car, Ivory found a ladybug. It must mean good luck.

Pumpkins are such funny things. They come in so many sizes and shapes. Look at the fun curly-q stem that Robyn found on this pumpkin.

Now check out Pearl sitting on this HUGE pumpkin. I heard one kid walk by and say, "Those aren't real, are they mom?" They sure are. Some pumpkins don't know when to stop. Maybe that is why they are called 'squash.'

Let the hunt begin. Can you find the perfect pumpkin Daisy?

Robyn was looking for Dad too. His request was tall and skinny.

Some people take the picking decision pretty seriously.

My Goth girls are at it again. Remember, they are SPIES.

Pearl may look distraught in this picture, but really she is oohing and aahing over the tininess of these pumpkins.

Spy rides...the best.

Looks like everyone found something. All these pumpkins are destined for great things.

One more group photo. Despite the lack of genuine smiles, I think they all had a great time.

1 comment:

  1. Wow - I hadn't realized that choosing pumpkins was such an art. We never got one - in fact Halloween was a really low-key day for us. I was on vacation and was pretty much chilling out. Glad you had such a good time with your pumpkins.
