Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Plenty of Turkey before the Turkey

I know I just told you that I wasn't going to post every day, and I won't. I just happen to have a few fun things to put on the blog.

Yesterday it was our Thankful Turkey.

Today, it is a whole new breed of turkey. I'm not sure I have ever seen one quite like this. He probably won't make for a very good feast. Too hollow in my opinion.

Since Grandma is here and the kids are out of school, I planned a craft for us to do today. The day was filled already with workouts, JR visiting, safe shopping (for a literal safe), sharpening 200 pencils and breaking the ward pencil sharpener (oops), game playing, christmas shopping, lesson planning, and dog pampering (Gizmo and Pip are here as well.)  But regardless of the chaos, we still managed to get our creative juices flowing and finish our silly birds.

Everyone helped a bit here and there, but June and I spent the most time tying all the tulle on the turkey bodies. It took a chunk of time. Plus, we were running out of the main colors (red, orange and yellow) so we added in some gold that I had left over from Pearl's tutu. We think it turned out rather well.

You can see the original here with the tutorial. We had a lot of fun putting them together. Grandma painted the cool eyes and after we stuck them in with toothpicks, they could still move in either direction. So this turkey can watch you out of the corner of his eye.

You'd better watch out. Now Santa isn't the only one watching!!

p.s. I'm sorry all the photos of our house after dark look yellow. That is just how they turn out. And you see them AFTER I take out plenty of 'yellow' in photoshop. It just seems to be the color that comes off the walls, although our walls are not yellow. It must be the sunshiney personality of everyone who lives here.

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