Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Happy Birthday Grandma!

Today is the Ides of March, which conveniently follows Pi day, which I hope you all celebrated yesterday.

This day is special, because it is Vicki's birthday. We sure love our Grandma Cazier. She keeps things interesting and she overflows with love for all her family.

We went up this last Saturday for a quick get together. It was such a blast. In retrospect, we should have stayed longer. We left early to get back for a mission farewell on Sunday, but completely spaced Daylight Savings and missed most of the missionary's address anyway. We be awesome.

Regardless, we treasure our time with the Cazier's. We played a lot of Run-Around. Grandma's backyard is very large with  many places to hide. At one point Rozz was inches away from me and Ivory, and she still didn't see us. (Kaysen and K.J. who were with her easily picked us out though and had a good laugh about it.) I didn't get any pictures while playing (because I was being so stealthy) but there is this picture of the girls walking along the back wall. To me, this looks dangerous, but the kids say they do it every time they come. (Oh, in that case, I feel much better.)

Jami organized the festivities. Everyone brought food to make Hawaiian haystacks. Yum.

I love this picture with one kid from each family. Hinckley is finishing his chemo treatments this month. He is always the most patient and genuine guy despite all his trials.

Grandma got some fun gifts for her birthday.

Henlee is getting big. She is already six months and rolling around like a champ. She is patient with my girls, since everyone wants to hold her.

Tyler's favorite part of the trip was probably dividing up Dad's guns. Each son took a third of the stash. I don't know about the other boys, but what we got tripled what we already had at home. It is probably time to go shooting again.

Although we were there for only a brief visit, it was fantastic. Our Idaho family is truly wonderful. Happy Birthday Vicki. You play a big part in making us who we are.

p.s. Thanks to Tyler and Kathryn. Without those two, there would be considerably fewer pictures.

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad that Vicki seems to be better. I keep her in my prayers daily. Looks like you guys had a wonderful time up in Idaho. Wish I could have been there.
