Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Pink Socks Day

We Cazier's are no stranger to self-created holidays. We have Fete Day after all, and we have many interesting traditions that other people smile at while secretly thinking we are the weirdest bunch of people they have met in a while.

So it shouldn't surprise you that we are at it again, but this time with a sentimental origin.

On Monday, it was Barry Cazier's birthday. This is his first birthday since we lost him to cancer last year. We wanted to remember him, and what better way than to wear pink socks in honor of his whimsy that always caught everyone's attention. (I guess we also could have written our names on our foreheads, but I never really was a fan of Sharpie on the kids.)

I made sure that everyone had new pink socks for the day. Tyler is sporting original Barry Cazier socks.

Can you tell whose feet belong to whom? Here is a cheat sheet.

Up in the air Jr. Birdman!

And this last one is for you Barry! We can Can-Can in our pink socks.

We think of Dad all the time. It is the small things that matter (like pink socks) and I think Barry knew it.

1 comment:

  1. Wow - now I want to go out and buy myself a pair of pink socks! I love the cute little dance at the end. Yeah for the color pink!
