Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Ice Castles, the Still Version

Tyler made such a fun video of us going to see the ice castles that I have put off blogging about it. But for my blog books, I want the pictures. This is one of those posts that has been hanging over my head, much like a bunch of sharp icicles that you will see in a moment. But it is one more check mark on the quest to document the Cazier's in all walks of life.

The ice castles were so fun. I would like to put quippy comments throughout this post, but I'll spare you the blathering and I'll save some space in my book. (Pictures fit so much better without commentary.) Just enjoy the ice. It's nice.

Are you chilled yet? Trust me, there were many more. I chose some of my favorites. And kept it under 30 pictures. That is pretty darn good for me. Happy end of March. Hopefully this is the last we we will be seeing of snow. It snowed yesterday. Get it out of your system Utah. Let's have a warm spring break.

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