Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Treasure Hunt, Easter Style

Wow. Easter has come and gone, although there are still some pending Crack Offs to happen. I thought I had a lot on my blog list before, but now I am swimming in potential posts. It is hard to choose whether to do an old post or something recent. Usually, my confusion leads to paralysis. However, yesterday I actually edited some pictures, so that is what you get today. An Easter egg hunt.

I seriously considered doing the city hunt this year, but after I looked at all the goodies I had in store for the kids, I gave up. They don't need the sugar overload. Is there such a thing as a kid who is overly spoiled? Seems redundant. 

I didn't get out to hide eggs until the afternoon (as you know), so the sun was out and it had warmed up just enough to be nice outside. (The morning was rather blustery.) I hid prizes and eggs and then the kids were ready to hunt. There they are. The traditional spot. From here all kids plan their attack.

As always Pearl is first out the gate. We gave her a 45 second head start.

Daisy was off next. She headed right for the Nemo egg on top of the grill that Pearl overlooked.

She took a different route to find eggs Pearl had yet to discover.

Ivory in turn went straight to the side finding eggs the other two missed.

She got one up high. She was so fast that I missed the shot, so I told her to reach back up. She dutifully stretched high, but her eyes give away that she is really hunting for more eggs while I take the picture.

Now Robyn. Don't worry...there were still eggs in plain sight that she headed for.

This poor little bunny is always last. And she often doesn't find all her eggs, because only the hard ones are left. I think she enjoys the challenge. She only missed one egg this year that Ivory found later on the tire of Dad's car.

Seems like she has plenty of energy saved up. Go, go June!

She headed down to the sport court where there were plenty of eggs in the open.

We have so many plastic eggs that we could probably sponsor the city hunt. I don't use them all. The kids get to find about 20 each, not counting the camo eggs. Many eggs are interchangeable, but I only mismatched two this year. June happened to find them both.

I got the girls Easter shirts this year. (Cheaper than dresses.) They were hidden with their names on them. Pearl finally found hers.

I think everyone found June's before she did. Sadly, it wasn't hidden as well after repeat customers had handled it. I think she has spied it.

Ivory had the hardest time finding hers. I simply put it on top of the recycle bin, but the colors were similar enough that it blended in. (Sneaky mom.)

Robyn is enjoying her hunt. She has almost all her eggs.

Can't believe June got those peeps. They were up there forever. I guess the kids are usually looking down.

Daisy was down on the sport court when she spied something. It isn't an egg. Can you see it?

It was a snake. We took some time to stop and enjoy Mother Nature's hidden treasures.

By this time, Robyn was done. Impressive because she had her camo eggs already. Most of the kids needed help finding those. They are super tricky to see in the grass and trees.

The snake was free again but finding it hard to find the grass. He kept slithering in circles. We helped him make it to the field.

Next it was time to open eggs and see what treats they scored. I'm not sure why Daisy was indoors? She still had two camo eggs to find. I guess she wanted to check out her shirt.

As usual, the $5 is the most coveted camo egg. The girls inside didn't have it, so it was still outside. June needed one more egg and Daisy needed two. I knew where all three were and I gave them hints. June had a strategy. She knew where two eggs were, but she hadn't picked one yet because she wanted to look at all three first. (Talk about calculation.) But it didn't work out for her this time. In looking for the third one, she inadvertently stepped on it, and it cracked open revealing coins. According to the rules, it was hers now. She wasn't very happy about it. But Daisy had never found the $5 before, so June finally decided it was okay. Get it Daisy!

I think all the girls had a good time. Daisy, obviously, was happy with the results.

I still haven't gotten a picture of the girls in their Easter pastel shirts. Truthfully, it may never happen. But it is the thought that counts here.

Maybe next year, I'll have the girls hide eggs for me. They can put coupons inside to do chores for me. That would be a fantastic hunt!

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