Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Our Van is Now Full

Jana recommended we try and get tickets to go see Women's Conference at the Conference Center this last time. We traditionally go together and we had never gone up there, so I figured it was worth a shot. Amazingly, no one else from my ward wanted tickets, so our Relief Society President was able to give us 8 tickets.

We left with what we thought was enough time, but the parking situation was ridiculous. We were told which parking structure to use, but I don't think we would go there again. Our tickets said to be in our seats 30 minutes early, but that wasn't going to happen. But from the looks of all the people still waiting to get in...many people were going to miss the mark.

We found one of dozens of lines and waited our turn to go inside. It was sunny, but rather chilly.

I managed to set off the metal detector with my necklace. Ivory was almost in tears when they ushered me away from the group. I only got a scolding about women with their crazy jewelry and then I was back in the pack.

The Conference Center was beautiful. I liked the flower arrangements and the pink lights behind the organ.

We made it with a few minutes to spare and everyone went to the bathroom except me and Ivory. So we took a selfie instead.

Then everyone came back and the meeting started.

It was a lovely session, although short. It didn't even go an hour and a half. The multi-cultural choir was lovely.

After, we figured we should stay in Salt Lake to eat. Traffic trying to leave parking is usually worse than trying to get in. We headed over to City Creek's food court. But we walked through temple square first. Jana served her mission at temple square, so I'm sure she has memories on every corner. She'll just have to make some new ones with us. It was fun to have Rachel. She turned 8 just the day before, so we had three Keen kids and three Cazier kids. (I think you can tell which are which.)

We ate at Kneader's which is always scrumptious. Poor Esther is allergic to wheat (and dairy). As we were walking up, she said, "They literally have wheat as their logo. I'm not going to be able to eat anything in there." But she found a very tasty looking salad and a No-Dairy Berry smoothie.

I think there was a comic con the same weekend, because we saw some interesting characters, not to mention Batman that was standing outside for quite a while taking pictures. Too bad we missed him. We weren't far from the car, but it was chilly enough that we stopped for a moment to warm up outside Harmon's. How many grocery stores have fires outside?

It was a wonderful, inspiring evening. It is always nice to be with friends and be enriched by sound council, loving advice, and words from the Lord.

1 comment:

  1. What fun! It would be nice to see a conference in person instead of huddling next to a computer.
