Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Accolades for June

June is blooming into a fine young woman. It seems she is good at everything she tries and has true talent in many areas. I know I am a biased mom, but she is a delight to be around.

During Student Led Conferences, which is the Junior High Version of Parent Teacher Conferences, we were able to go around and see all the fun stuff she has been working on. 

They had the seventh grade art up. (This isn't the big art show that the eight and ninth graders do later. In fact, that is going on right now and I'm so excited to take the kids and see all the fun projects again.) This is mostly pencil drawings practicing simple techniques, but it is still fun to see all the different interpretations. June had two pieces that were put in. 

She is taking a sewing class right now and she showed us her locker hanger that she made.

And I don't remember which class this was for, but check out this flag she made. There is so much of our family on here. I love all the little details.

June has still been enjoying the violin. I can hear her improvement through the year. She had another concert and got to sit right up front. That is her braid, since I didn't take a picture of her face apparently. (She isn't first chair or anything. They divide the violins and they take turns playing 1st or 2nd violin.) 

There was a solo competition that June participated in. It wasn't required for intermediate orchestra, but June wanted to try it out. I think she did a great job. Please ignore that last note. It was pretty flat. This was a month or so ago, and I can already tell the difference.  

June is at such a fun age where she is experiencing so many new things. I love watching her journey.

p.s. That is her awesome piano teacher, Becca, who accompanied for her.

1 comment:

  1. Both Miranda and I were very impressed with June during our visit. She is just the kind of person that I wanted to be when I was that age. (Needless to say I wasn't!) I hope she continues to find things in life that interest her and keep her creativity growing.
