Sunday, November 13, 2016

Carnival Capers

Many schools have a carnival at the beginning of the year to raise money for the PTA. Our new school is no different. As usual, I tried to help wherever I could. I made Jolly Rancher Suckers for the bake sale. I volunteered to help at the food booth. And I supervised a cake being made. The sixth graders have to make a cake, but it is optional for the fifth graders. Ivory decided that would be fun and then a boy in her class asked if he could help.

So on a Sunday afternoon, I cleared out the kids and had Ivory and Andru make a cake. ( that I think about it...the kids went up the canyon but I don't know where the pictures are.) Andru was a very nice kid. Together, he and Ivory, decided to make a S'mores cake. I wasn't quite sure what that entailed, so I talked them into making S'mores bars in the shape of a cake. Here they are dutifully crushing graham crackers to add to the top.

The bars require a little melting on the stove, which I supervised, but they did almost everything else themselves. We had to wait for the bars to cool, so we played some Ticket to Ride while we waited. (I pounded them, but they were both very good sports.)

When the cake was finished, we put our two layers together and added marshmallow creme on top. I have never made it that way, but we wanted it to feel like frosting.

I think it looked delicious. I had plans to buy this cake the next day.

On the day of the carnival, I checked in to the food station and basically didn't check out until the carnival was almost over. I think I was supposed to help for an hour and a half, but no one came to relieve me, so I just kept helping. The kids were amazing too. They spent some time out at the carnival, but everyone took a turn behind the tables getting drinks. And June stayed with me the whole time. She was so helpful.

By the time I went to check out the carnival, all the Jolly Rancher Suckers and the cake were gone. Phooey. I did see this 'spaghetti and meatballs' cake that won the funniest award, but it didn't look very appetizing. Creative though.

June and I took a picture. We had a great time at the carnival, although not doing traditional carnival things. I told the PTA that next year we would love to do face paint. We'll see what happens.

1 comment:

  1. Do you remember the cake walks they used to have at the UP carnivals. When we actually won a cake, we sometimes got the strangest looking ones. But it was so thrilling when you DID win!
