Wednesday, November 16, 2016


Woohoo! We made it another year. We rock. We had some fun plans for our anniversary. Tyler had been playing rugby each Friday with guys from work. He sadly rolled his ankle a while back and it had been bothering him off and on. He was even wearing a brace to be more careful.

It was Fall Break and I was planning on taking the kids to a pumpkin patch. The next day was our anniversary plans. Tyler headed out the door to play Rugby and the last thing I said to him was, "Don't hurt yourself!"

I received a call not too long after from Tyler who could not walk because he had twisted his ankle worse than before. It was very unfortunate. It didn't change our plans too much. (luckily) I still took the kids to Jaker's and Tyler stayed home to rest his foot. The only thing it did effect was carving. We had planned to have Tyler come home on Monday (of Fall Break) and carve with us, but he ended up taking his day of vacation a little earlier than planned. (Hence why there was no Tyler pumpkin this year.)

As for our anniversary, Tyler decided to muddle through and stay off his foot as much as possible. I did all the driving and we tried not to walk too far wherever we went. I would say we did a pretty good job and he survived the weekend with flying colors.

We went to Cedar City to see a play. It is not a bad drive really. About 3 hours. We spent time with the kids in the morning, but we eventually took off and let them fend for themselves. (Love having older kids.) Our first goal of the day was our photo shoot. We didn't have a place in mind necessarily. As we got closer, we thought it might be fun to go into Cedar canyon. (I guess canyons are the place to be.) We saw a nice spot off the road and stopped immediately. We needed to find a place where Tyler didn't have to walk much. Even so, it was a slow and steady photo shoot. We started with Tyler setting up the picture, but realized there was no way he was going to run to get in the photo, so I set up the rest of them. I had a lot of fun running into different positions. One of these days I'm going to hire one of the kids to come with us and take our photos.

We did get many that we liked. After all, we are quite a cute couple. Check out some of the fun shots we got.

This is the one we chose as our final pic. (Meaning it is on our wall.)

Always good to have some bloopers and laughs. I spent some time setting up the camera next to a ravine because it had to be a certain distance away. I had to balance on the edge of the ravine to set the camera and then I had to climb out and run like crazy to jump on a wall to get into the shot. And guess what. All of them were focused on the background. Oh well. You win some, you blur some.

Right at the end of the shoot, we were taking a few more by that same wall and as I was darting toward Tyler, the picture dropped and the frame broke. (Which was really ironic since our previous frame had broken and I bought that current frame the DAY BEFORE.) We both just laughed and then I remembered that the camera was still running. I turned to check it out and got this great picture.

Amazingly, the glass didn't break, so we glued the frame back together and it is on the wall today. But there is no guarantee it will survive with our track record.

The rest of our evening was chill. We had some time to kill so we took a scenic drive further into the canyon. It was beautiful.

Eventually, we came back to have dinner before our play. I saw this really neat building and I loved all the rock.

Turns out it was an LDS church. Nifty.

Even after dinner, we still had some time on our hands. We walked around the grounds and found a door open to one of the outdoor theaters. (I don't think it was supposed to be open.) We toured the new theater. I haven't been for a couple years and so much has changed down there. It was cool to see the new facilities. This theater was built in the same style as the old one. Turns out there was quite a show going on. This man brought down the house. (Too bad, there wasn't much house to bring down.)

Also found this statue of some random guy. He looked cool so I took a picture with him. I wonder who he could be?

It was finally time for our show. We went to see a production of Murder for Two. I was so impressed. Not by the story necessarily, but by the stamina needed to get through the show. There were only two people acting. One man played a detective and the other man played all nine suspects. He had a different voice and mannerisms for each person. It was amazing how he could jump from one character to another. Add on top of that, the play was a musical. Both guys played piano supremely well. They each had times they played by themselves, but the best times were when they played together. Also, the guy who played nine characters sang a song for each of them. Wow. It wasn't my favorite play, but you have to give some props to these guys!

I really liked the theater. It was a small surround theater much like the Hale so every seat is pretty good and you can see the characters faces. I like that. I took a picture before it started, so some of the set is still covered up.

After the show, we had to drive back home since we had church the next day. It made for a bit of a late night, but I never mind being trapped with Tyler. He is good company. I think I will keep him around for another 17 years.

* yes...I know it is Shakespeare.

1 comment:

  1. As Hades would say, "I know that you know!" Sounds like you had a good time, despite the bum ankles. Congrats on a successful marriage. Now if you can just make it to 41 years like we have!
