Saturday, September 2, 2017

Fashion = Laundry

My girls are fashionistas. They wear strange combinations and dress each other up. They have their own unique style. It's actually quite cute and I like what they pick. Certainly I'm glad that I'm not choosing their clothes every day. But if I could choose would be ONE (I say 1!!) outfit a day.

It doesn't matter how many times I try to explain: if you wear something in the house for just a few minutes, it isn't dirty. It can go back in your drawers or be hung up in the closet. It just doesn't sink in. Most likely, they just don't know how to put clothes away. They change and dump clothes on the floor and when they come back and 'clean', they put all clothes on the floor into the hamper and once again mom is washing clean clothes. (Sigh.)

Fashion shows are my least favorite. The kids can go through dozens of outfits in minutes. They are so darn cute and I just want to throttle them at the end. Luckily, I'm not around for most of these shows. Pictures show up on my phone and I can admire them. (When I'm not busy doing laundry.)

Here is one such show I found in May. Ivory and Daisy had a great time if the pictures say anything. I like the action shots in pajamas.

Also found in the archives was another photo shoot from a few months before. This time Robyn had the nice camera. You can tell the quality of the pictures is completely different. Also, fun to see that in just a couple months, Daisy had cut her hair and starting growing a tooth.

I need to work on the girls. They seem to think skirts can pass for dresses. We'll work on that, right after I train them to put clothes away...

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