Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Monkey Highlights Seven, a.k.a. Ethan Visits

I will probably divide this post into several since we did a lot while Ethan was here. And you just made it through the epic mosquito fest in Moab.

We got back from Youth Conference and changed gears to get ready for Ethan's visit. (Man, I wish we could have taken him with us. He would have loved the repel and hikes, but he was still in summer school.) If you recall, we had sent June and Ivory to CA earlier in the summer. Now it was our turn to host. We had been looking forward to it for a long time.

Ethan came out on Tuesday evening. Wednesday was our most chill day. We played some games. (We played games the whole time actually. Pearl is a pro at almost all the card games. She is better than any of the other kids were at her age because she is around it all the time. And she is a gamer.)

Actually, that picture must be from the afternoon, because June was in summer school during the mornings until Thursday. She took PE over the summer so she didn't have to worry about it in her Fall schedule. (Such responsible kids, but summer school sure puts a kink in our plans.) Tyler came home in the afternoon so we could make shirts. It took us a while to come up with the right idea, but I liked what we made.

When you have a whole bunch of girls and one boy, you make shirts that say: I'm with HIM. And Ethan (and Tyler) got one that says: Ya, I'm HIM. Here is the screen ready to go.

The ink is down. This is the first time we used the really big homemade screen. It was cool, but very hard to see where you were positioning it. So almost every shirt is a little bit off. But that makes them more original.

Ethan is super patient with the girls. Being the only boy, he got plenty of attention.

Six shirts done. We are finished with the girls. Next up, the boy's side of the screen.

It wouldn't be a true family activity unless we took some weirdies while we were working. Here are some of my favorite.

Ethan's shirt is awesome. Him is the best guy to have around.

In the afternoon heat, we went out and played in the water for a bit. I was trying out a game for girls camp and what better test subjects than my own monkeys. Naturally, it dissolved into water fights and playing kill. But it was the perfect day for it.

Gotta love easy summer days. They are even sweeter with cousins.

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