Saturday, September 23, 2017

May Phone Dump

I haven't gotten through all the May posts, but I thought I'd get all the tid bits out of the way. All those extra pictures are like the brown bits of chicken that stick to the bottom of the pan. If you throw in some chicken broth, they soften and come off like so many tasty morsels, leaving a clean bottom. So, I need to clean out these photos.

One of the girls took the phone over to the Warner's to take pictures of  their flowers. This makes me very wistful for Spring, which is unfortunate as the weather is getting cooler and Fall is descending like a brick dropped from an upper story construction site.

Back when Grandma came to visit for Ivory's gymnastic meet, we took some weirdies of her. That is what we do.

Ivory is still losing teeth around here. She is rigorous in pulling them out. Here she is with her tooth half out. If she gets it that far, guaranteed it is coming out the rest of the way the same day.

Robyn had been wearing black nail polish that was chipping off. I stopped her because I thought she had a crow painted on her nail. It was just coincidence that it was in that shape, but it might mean something...

June's art made it into an art show at the mall. They took pieces from several different schools. I went and walked around enjoying all the talent. (June was able to come one day while she was sick.) These were some of my favorites.

Speaking of sick June, you can always tell when an illness is working on her. She comes home, bundles up and sleeps on the couch. This was the week she missed her final orchestra concert. Poor Junie Bug.

Here is cartoon Robyn. Her superhero talents include taking selfies when her mother doesn't know, getting out of chores through guilt and persuasion, and yelling, "I'm a teenager" as if that explains it all.

We found this awesome snake skin in our back yard. You could see all the details including the head. I'm glad spiders don't shed.

Ah, and superhero Daisy. Her powers include conveniently forgetting to do homework before playing, being too cute to get in any serious trouble, and turning any ordinary piece of clothing into a chic fashion accessory.

I love going to June's violin lessons. She sounds so good and when she plays with Lindsay, it's heavenly. I took that picture of their feet in the same position one day. So cute. This day, they happened to be wearing matching t-shirts.

I went to many performances at the end of school. The end of year assembly at the Elementary school, I attended because Ivory was performing on the cello. I didn't take pictures because I was very far in the back. BUT, while I was there listening to all their end of year stuff, they had an award for kids who didn't miss a day of school. Turns out seven kids had perfect attendance. While they are announcing this, I start racking my brains to see if my kids missed any days. I remembered Ivory missing, and I'm pretty sure Daisy was sick somewhere during the year. But I couldn't recall if Pearl missed any days. And that is when they called her name. Good job Pearl. Perfect attendance. It was actually a blessing. Because I had started my job, I felt okay leaving some kids at home without me, but Pearl wasn't one of them. However, since she never missed a day, I concurrently never missed a day having to stay home with her. Bonus Pearly P.

Moxy always loved soft. If you left something on the floor, she would curl up on it, so when this blanket fell half off the couch, it made me laugh to find her like this.

And finally, the perfect rose. Our neighbor, Bro. Carlisle has some rose bushes on the side of our yard. He had some lovely roses growing there. They looked so perfect, they reminded me of Beauty and the Beast roses.

That is it for May. Well, not really. I still need to blog about the Parks Music Festival (a.k.a. Lagoon), awesome Chalk Art that I wasn't there for, and Mother's Day. (Don't worry, I was there for that one.)

1 comment:

  1. Always fun to read about the little tidbits that have been happening in your life. Our life is very boring in comparison.
