Friday, September 15, 2017

My Kids Have Loads of Talent

I'm still jumping back and forth between summer and May. Remind me not to fall behind next year. :)

Today, let's wrap all the rest of those end of the year performances. We'll start with Robyn.

Percussion was so fun for her last year. It is hard to believe it was her first year playing since she took to it so well. The only problem is that during band performances, she is way in the back. I can see you back there.

But during percussion songs, she is usually right up front. I don't know if that is because she is good or just short. Here she is playing the Blue Rondo melody that won their team a second place. (Probably depends on which instrument she is playing as well.)

Even with everyone playing, she was still front and center. Easier to take pictures.

Mrs. Taylor did a cool thing on their last performance night. She gave out awards to people in the band and percussion. She had an outstanding percussionist from each grade. Robyn was her pick from the 7th grade crew. (Not surprising in my opinion.) Here she is receiving her award.

And some new sticks. Guaranteed she'll be using those soon.

Pearl had a little performance thing. Actually, it was very poorly organized and parents couldn't really see anything,  but they gave her a ribbon at the end, so she felt special. Yay for participation ribbons!! (Sense the sarcasm.)

At the elementary school, they held a Dance Festival. This was fun because previously, only June's school did that. When we moved to our new school, they have one, although I'm told this was their first year trying it. It turned out really cute. All the songs were very unique and the kids were darling. The weather managed to cooperate and I thought it went well. Pearl was in the back, so she was hard to see during the 1st grade number.

But I love this action shot where you can see her jumping.

Daisy was even further in the back.

But luckily they did this thing where they danced with partners, so I was able to see her come around the corner. Her partner was her secret crush, although I'm not sure how much he enjoyed the dancing since he came to school with his arm in a sling.

I thought they were dressed so cute with their planet costumes.

Ivory looked cold, but to be honest, it was a little chilly outside.

They did the traditional reel that Mahoney has done for ages.

Ivory makes a cute little pioneer. I'm sad that she didn't get to do the pioneer trek that June did, but such is life.

Daisy did another semester of Vocal Motion. I'm thinking that it wasn't a roaring hit because it dropped in attendance from 20 kids to 5. But Daisy loved it. Their final show was at a retirement home. The sound system wasn't working correctly, and I can't say I was very surprised. Although Symphony has talent, she seems a little scatter brained and unorganized. But she sure does love the kids and wants to instill a love of performing in them. Daisy did a fantastic job. She was really good at all her parts. (She learned a whole bunch of hawaiian words and carried that whole song because I couldn't hear anyone else singing them.)

Miss Symphony gave them all a treat for doing a good job. I'm not sure this program will continue next year.

Finally, there was an end of school assembly at the Jr. High. Almost everyone performed...ballroom, orchestra, band, drama. (Wow, drama did this little play that was soooooo long. Not a great choice in my opinion.) Percussion played on garbage cans. I was excited to see this because I had heard Robyn practicing, but they hadn't played them at any concerts. Guess it's lucky that I was already at the school. Can you see Robyn at the end on the right.

When she plays, she sometimes hits nothing because there is no can next to her. I think she practiced in the middle somewhere, but happened to be on the end for the performance. I thought it was really cool.

Such fun to have kids doing so many cool activities. It keeps us busy but definitely entertained.


  1. Well, you certainly aren't bored with so much talent floating around your house. Just make sure Robyn doesn't mistake you for a garbage can and drum on your head!

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