Monday, October 30, 2017

Monkey Highlights Eight

This week was a little over half way through the summer. And honestly, this is where I lost all control of my life. It was the week before Girls Camp and I was busier than I would like to admit. I knew that this was the last week before I was gone for basically two and a half weeks in a row.

I made sure to do some relaxing, for instance I took all the kids to see The Lion King. As an added bonus, I picked up Camille and Annalise at the last minute. (Read: I promised to watch them for Tricia and I totally forgot and scheduled right over it.) It was great to have them come though. We took a picture in the very dark, so your guess is as good as mine to where everyone is.

Robyn had her final swim meet. This was an epic day, but perhaps not for what you would think. She did a good job swimming, but during the down time between events, she experimented with my phone and found out you can make weirdies without the postage stamp. You can do whatever you want. Fisheye, blended edges, cartoon, etc. She experimented and we found a whole new world of weirdies.

 Oh, and she also swam well. Good job Robyn.

We left the same afternoon to hightail it to Idaho for a reunion of sorts. Jami organized a Cazier Day of Fun. It was loads of fun. In fact, we were supposed to leave a little early to attend a birthday party back in UT, but both the girls invited decided they would rather stay and keep playing. Jami and J.R. did the bulk of the organizing, I'm sure. I know Kat and Kolby helped a lot with food and other supplies. Our family basically showed up to have a good time, although we did make shirts for everyone. (We aren't completely useless.)

The day consisted of delicious food, kayaks, and paddle boards. We had breakfast at the J's and then went to Blacktail Reservoir. I'm not sure I've ever been there before, but it was a great day of fun. Check out some of these pictures. Notice we played 'Kill' a bit, Granny V did not fall off the paddleboard as everyone expected, and everyone looks supremely happy. It was truly a day of fun.

Even the best times must come to an end. Kaysen actually left early to be responsible. (Love that kid.) We finally cleaned up and headed home.

We rounded out the week with a Sunday chillin with the twins. We braided some hair and took some weirdies and I finished packing for Girls Camp. (Plenty of adventures still in store.)

Peace Out. Oh, and Happy Birthday Dad. I love you. (That is for the actual day today. Not back in July.)

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