Monday, October 23, 2017

June Phone Dump

Look at me knocking months out of the park. Happily for me, there are hardly any photos from the month of June that aren't on the blog already because I was super efficient that month keeping up. (I doesn't sound like me.)

So let's briefly look at the small moments we missed in June. Mostly it is just lost teeth.

Daisy lost one of her side teeth, and then held it back in there in remembrance. Notice that her one front tooth had not grown in yet.

Ivory got this puzzle from June who got it from a garage sale. I think it is supposed to be one of the hardest puzzles. (Or at least that is what it claims.) It is the same puzzle on the front and on the back. The girls started it multiple times, but eventually, they put it all together.

Ah, here's another lost tooth. Pearl's second if I'm correct. Good job Pea.

Found these two cuties being fancy. Love sisters when they play nicely.

And that is it for June. Can you believe it? It's an Autumn miracle. I am caught up through June. And actually through most of July if you don't count Girls Camp. Then there is still Texas to blog. Okay...I still am plenty behind. I don't even have a computer to edit photos. I have 500 pictures on my camera to download when I have a working computer. Whoa is me. 

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