Sunday, October 22, 2017

Ocean Side

This post is going to officially wrap up May of 2017. I was going to put something about Mother's Day, but honestly, I wasn't loving the photos. My original post with the girls is better than adding anything extra. The only other thing you're missing is the saga of Tyler's ankle surgery. That is his story to tell and I'll try to get him to continue with it but he is just as busy as I am.

Today, I'm going to take you back to a beach day. I don't know where I was. Maybe I was doing something with my calling? All I know is that the kids got out chalk and went to town. It rained and I never saw any of this art, so I'm glad that Tyler took pictures. Enjoy them all.

Such a simple day but it makes me so happy to see these pictures. I miss Moxy. I don't miss Dad's leg in a boot. I love seeing the girls create. And many good days end with watermelon.

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