Sunday, November 5, 2017

Take a Hike

One of the activities we do at camp is hiking. All the years divide up and go on different hikes. I hear the 2nd year hike is supposed to be the longest but depending on where Jolene sends us, everyone could be hiking a while. Or they could get lost and end up out longer simply because they can't find the way home.

I opted to tag along with the 3rd years. Christy Luque was guiding us and she is over parks and trails at Shalom, so I knew we wouldn't get lost. Phew. The day was lovely. (I promise that it did rain on us quite a bit here and there.) Actually, if I remember correctly, it started to rain exactly as the last group came in from hiking. Good timing.

We had a good group of girls to hike with. You may recognize one here or there. Let's get going...

We finally arrived at an area where we were going to do a service project watering baby trees, but the rain took care of that for us. If you look closely, you can see bottled water on the side and all the little yellow spots in the background are tagged trees that need to be watered. There were baby trees everywhere.

We continued to hike for a while and stopped to rest periodically.

We finally came to a good stopping place where we had a lesson about making Time for the Lord. Everyone found a spot by themselves to contemplate and make some goals.

After some time there, we continued on our other half of the hike. We ran into the 2nd years coming down the trail. I tried to take a quick picture of Robyn walking by. You can see how well that worked. The camera almost always chooses the wrong thing to focus on in a pinch.

From there it was mostly downhill. The scenery was so pretty.

Success...we made it back to camp. Good job ladies. What a great looking group. We don't even look tired. Unless you count the general tiredness of sleeping on cots and not getting showers.

I grabbed a couple pictures from Rebecca. I like this view up above of the lake and the main house where the year-round missionaries live.

And look...there is the back of me. Proof that I was there.

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