Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Waking Up Before the Sun

One of the traditions of camp is the sunrise hike. All these traditions are new to me of course since I haven't been going to camp, but I was pretty sure this would not be one of my favorite ones. After all, I'm not really a morning person.

But after the initial waking up part, the rest was rather nice. The hike is a little steep at first, but then it is a gradual rise out into open fields at the top of a hill. Here you can see everyone coming up.

It wasn't exactly dark since there was all the ambient light from behind the mountains, but you could still get fun silhouette shots. Do you know whose braids those are?

We all got to the top and sat in our wards and chatted as we waited for the sun to rise. Our ward found a good spot in the grass.

There was lots of picture taking. Here are the birthday girls of the day. Sister Hale and Missy.

 Love Sister Cox and her daughter Albany.

Really love those unicorn jammies.

Second ward is the biggest ward. There are so many friendly faces in there for me. I sometimes feel like they are our sister ward, but mostly because June has been friends with Hannah for so long.

 Here comes the sun. (Can you hear the Beatles singing?)

Such beauty.

President Murray gave us a short devotional up there on the mountain. It was nice to be up with the sun. (Yes, even for this morning person.)

Okay ladies, time to wrap up. Put on your serious faces and let's hike back down.

This is possibly my favorite picture of the morning. President Murray hiking into the sunshine.

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