Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Service and Sodas

As I mentioned in an earlier camp post, our allotted service project was watering trees. It is a good idea at the end of July, but Mother Nature had us covered this time around. We still wanted the girls to do service, so several projects were assigned.

Some wards were assigned to give the pavilion a good cleaning. Lots of dust and dirt make their way into that structure. The girls did a great job, and from this picture, it looks like they had a blast doing it.

Many wards were assigned to clean thistles off the trails. Those thistles grow very tall and they are super pokey. I personally don't like the burrs. They are called many things, but they look like this when they attach themselves to your clothes...

My ward was assigned to help clean the grove where we do singing trees. We spent some time getting rid of thistles there and branches that were in the way. We actually moved quite a large log that took almost twenty girls to lift. Here are some pictures of people cleaning up.

After, we spent some time replenishing wood piles by the camps and getting more thistles by the roadside.

I would say it was a successful day with many hands making light work.

That same evening, we did Singing Trees. I really love it. Each ward has a song that they work on. We start with the stake and then each ward sings in turn. It is so interesting to see what songs are picked. The song our ward sang was so beautiful and I had never heard it before. You can hear a version here. And when each ward has sang, we sing our stake song together. This year, with the grove theme, we chose, In Quiet Grove. It was amazing to hear the girls sing all together.

It was pretty dark when we went up there, so I don't have any pictures, but we did have a little gathering before the singing that was really fun. We had a soda bar set up like those Sodalicious shops. I'm not a big soda drinker so I haven't been to those, but I'm assuming that we did something similar. You can tell we are at girls camp and not scout camp because of the decorations. Only girls would bring Chinese paper lanterns up into the mountains.

The SYCL's came up with a menu with different flavor ideas.

I didn't try any of those. Someone told me what I should put in mine, and it was delicious, although I can't remember at all what was in it. Here are my two cuties enjoying their drinks.

This was the day that they did the buns in our ward campsite. I got in on the action. I miss a lot of what they do there, but sometimes I'm lucky to stumble in at the right time.

It was a really great evening. Singing makes me so happy. For me, it is a stress reliever. Not that I was having much stress at camp. It is just bonus goodness there.

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