Thursday, November 30, 2017

Tug O War

Friday at camp is typically a game day. I was in charge of games. I was super excited to have the girls try out all my crazy ideas. Unfortunately, mother nature decided to do things her own way and it rained all morning. So games were basically canceled. We did take wards in one at a time to the pavilion to play our Certification Jeopardy. It was very fun, but certainly not the way I planned on games going. But being flexible is an important part of life.

The day cleared up towards the end of the morning, just in time for the Tug of War. The Tug of War has a long and glorious tradition at camp. Some wards love it and others despise it. Part of me thought it might be time to do something else, but our current Stake Young Women's President resides in the camp of loving the Tug of War. So, we went for it.

I brought a bracket and we worked our ways through the matches. Despite my misgivings, it was truly fun to watch the girls come together with each other. Some pulled and many rooted on their team. Look at this cool huddle in 2nd ward.

Love Christy. She is tough.

We have some tough girls too.

This checkered flag says it all. You'd better not let it cross the line on your side.

Michelle took all these photos. They are pretty amazing. Look at Emma's face. Serious concentration.

Each ward is allowed ten people on the rope. This means 2 leaders and 8 girls. Look at our ward pulling. (June is in there! So is Robyn!)

Sister Bench is an awesome cheerleader. Pull girls, pull!

We didn't win all our matches. But we won at least one. There was sadness at losing and celebration at winning. This hip bump is quite the victory move.

Love this picture of Emily and Abby.

The wards did great. It actually came down to 6th ward and 8th ward. Eighth ward has never made it so far before. In their mind, coming in 2nd was basically winning. They did lose to 6th ward, but they celebrated with sparkling cider in their camp. (They are more of a crafty ward, but strength can be hidden.)

After the ward battle comes the Stake battle. Leaders against girls. Come on ladies, get ready to pull.

Carrie was up front. Cute birthday girl. Jolene passed the crown off to her.

Smiles all around at the beginning.

Now some game faces.

Rebecca was our anchor. She was amazing. We were kicking trash. The checkered flag was slowly inching in our direction.

Look at these girls feeling the loss coming their way.

Then the unthinkable happened. The rope slipped from around Rebecca's waste. Without our anchor well attached, we lost our momentum. And apparently, we are better on the front end than on the back end.

The girls triumphed in the end. They deserved it, especially for not giving up the entire time.

They rubbed it in our faces later at flag when they sang "We are the champions of old ladies" to the tune of Queen's famous song. (Ouch, that is a bit low girls. And did you have to spray us with squirt guns as well??) :)

It was really a fun afternoon. We went well past lunch as we let the girls battle it out in years. I would say it was one of the best Tug o Wars, but I haven't seen any others. It certainly was fun for me.

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