Monday, December 4, 2017

Wrapping up Camp

I know I have a lot of pictures from camp, but it was such a unique experience, I want to remember all of it, and for me that means putting it down in photographs. Don't worry, this is the last post. But it has all the odds and ends in it. Since I was with the Stake, I was not in camp with my girls, but I tried to stop by as often as possible since I am kind of partial to them. (I actually really love all the girls at camp, but I still have favorites.)

In some ways this is like my photo dump at the end. It is all the random moments caught here and there that deserved a dig into the fanny pack to pull out the camera. I hope you enjoy candid camp...

I think Emily caught this salamander the first night there. We actually saw more in the water at the lake. It was really fun to see them swim around on the bottom, but even more fun to see one out of the water.

Hahaha. I have no idea which three girls these are or why they brought horse masks to camp, but it was worth a picture.

Like I said, I spent plenty of time in the 5th ward camp site. Here are some shots I picked up.

This was the back of our camp shirts. I love our theme and all the tree paraphernalia.

Amy made everyone a shirt for her gift. These 'Take a Hike' shirts were awesome. This is one of our best group photos and I happen to have a towel on my head because Rebecca had just washed my hair. (Totally worth it.)

Jolene was one of our birthday girls. The title came complete with birthday tiara and wand. (Being a winter birthday, I will never have to wear those.)

Back in 5th ward camp, the doing of hair is a serious pursuit. There were fun upbraids into bun days and crown braids and flower crowns and face masks and all sorts of pampering. I believe a lot of this was done on Friday since the bishop was visiting and everyone wanted to look nice. The leaders washed everyone's hair and painted nails and did hair. It was amazing.

Sixth ward was the camp site next to ours. They were doing some kind of pageant and two girls came traipsing through. However there was only one pair of pants for the two of them. I sure wish I knew whether they won. (They were both named Lily, but one went by 'Pancake' so you could tell the two apart.)

On Friday, the Stake Presidency showed up to pamper us leaders. They brought up dinner and it was amazing. Here is our amazing Pres. Murray and his wife.

President Warner (my neighbor) made most of dinner. Delicious.

Love these two ladies buckets. (Lynn and Michelle)

I snagged some extra photos from Rebecca. She caught this amazing shot of a deer.

We had plenty of wildlife around all the time, but I love this shot of the chipmunk on the wall.

Being out in nature is really amazing. There is beauty all around.

Here are some of our awesome SYCLs running the songs. They are such wonderful girls. (Hanna, Sarah, Emily, Allie, Jacque)

And finally our bishop who came up on Friday night with his lovely wife. It was so nice to have them visit.

Saturday, it was time to leave. It was exciting to think of warm showers and comfortable beds, but I was sad to leave all my new friends. While at camp, I learned every single girl's name. I didn't know all the leaders, but they forgave me. The Stake people stayed the longest to make sure everything was ship shape before heading out. I took these two home in my car. (Both red heads, you know that means trouble.)

On the way out, there was a herd of sheep in the road. Allie wanted to get out and pet them, but I told her no. Sorry, I am the fun ruiner and germ warrior.

Hey look, the proverbial black sheep. Seems to be one in every family.

And so ends the saga of girls' camp. That means I can blog about other things. And I have a working computer so here's to more frequent blogging. Good thing it isn't right during the holiday season. Oh wait...

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