Monday, December 4, 2017

July Phone Dump

It feels really good to put another month behind me. Granted it is July that I am finishing and we are currently in December. Wow, have I ever been this far behind? I doubt it. But I'm feeling good to be back in business. With a working computer and plenty of determination, I'll make progress in the right direction. And who doesn't like reading about summer activities while the snow falls outside? Well, not much snow here yet, but we did have a good dusting this morning. It is only a matter of time before roads become slippery. (It's the most wonderful time of the year.)

So I'll take you back to hot and steamy July. No jacket weather, perfect for slurpees and late nights.

We were driving one day and saw this cute ladybug beetle. If June were to have a car to fit her personality, it would be this one. However her mother will probably make her drive a sturdier vehicle.

Robyn and I were taking some weirdies one night. I'm putting them on here because you should get used to them. Our entire trip to Texas in August was composed of Weirdies. There are plenty more coming your way.

I found these silly glasses at the store. It reminded me of the twins. They would say Boom Gebraten which in rough translation means Boom, Roasted! Every time they would say it, it reminded me of brats (the meat, not annoying children), so I started saying, "Boom, Hotdog!" Either way, glasses that said BOOM needed a picture.

Love finding sassy lasses on my phone.

This picture is of an ingenious device Tyler made. It is fish food with a phone on top of a slip of paper. The idea is that you set the phone for a certain time and when it vibrates, the fish food will fall into the bowl and feed the fish. We are pretty sure it worked because we came back and the food was gone. So unless it evaporated...

Double rainbow magic. (Right up there with Unicorn magic.)

While I was gone at camp, everyone came to visit. I guess they heard I was out of town...

First came the Lassen's. Matt was one of Tyler's mission companions. We haven't seen them in ages. I'm pretty bummed I missed them.

Next came the Neilsen's. I knew I was going to miss Camille, but that didn't make me happy about it. She brought her cute baby (that I hadn't seen yet) and everyone adored her. Cute little Bay.

They went to Noodles and Company for some chow. I can't be too sad though because I was having a blast at camp.

And so July flew by just like that. We got back from camp and had one evening before we packed ourselves in the car and headed to Texas. Oh, the adventures that are waiting for us in the Lone Star State.

1 comment:

  1. You seem to get a lot of company. Glad you're friends with so many people.
