Saturday, December 30, 2017

August Phone Dump (2017)

It really is fun to go back and look at all the fun things we do. There is so much random day to day stuff that makes life joyful. Or weird. (Either way we can laugh at those memories.)

When we got back from Texas, we had really missed hanging out with the twins. So they came over and we took strange pictures as usual.

Brooke's dog Pepper had puppies. They were super cute. Sadly, the runt passed away. But she found good homes for the other three.

I'm trying not to add too many weirdies in here. (I'm a little weirded out) But this toe weirdie is classic.

Ivory wasn't feeling fantastic one day so we took pictures of her on the couch. I love how creepy her smile looks in the second one.

Tyler must love seeing us read together because when I curl up with the kids he always tries to get the camera out. Shows that I don't read with them as often as I would like.

When we got back from Texas, we found that our fish, Flibble, had been drastically overfed. He started to get very sick. This is how he looks normally.

This is how he looks when he can't keep his balance.

He ended up lying on the bottom of the bowl for almost a week and not eating. We managed to revive him with some medicine, and lots of prayers.

I finally got a picture of the owls we made with Grandma sometime during the summer. The kids have been using theirs for pencils and other fun items. I never finished mine. (Shame.)

Here is Pip hanging out during the eclipse. She is so funny when she sticks her tongue out. That curved tongue is perfect for licking her nose over and over.

Robyn did a little photo shoot up in Idaho. I think Grandma was very patient to let her try on all her clothes.

Spirit Whale has followed me ever since last year. Tyler thought it was funny when he opened his computer to find this. It is kismet.

I am not the best eater when it comes to lunch time. I can't be bothered to put anything together. Half the time I sorta skip it, but this day I made something yummy. I love yummy food. (Even if I have to make it.)

After Tyler decided to take the fence down, he enlisted the Young Men to help. They needed a service project and we needed some extra hands. It worked out nicely.

Daisy got a new helmet. I like her choice.

Football season started for the twins. Although we know almost nothing about it, we still like to go and support. And it is probably good for the girls to know a little something about sports. They may not be as lucky as I was to marry a geek. :)

Oh, and speaking of football, Ethan (in CA) plays as well. He is awesome. Jeannie put this picture on FB of Ethan getting an interception. He's in the red and looking studly.

And although this last picture is technically on September first, that was June and I going on a date for August. We went to see Wonder Woman. It was a cool movie.

And that officially puts August in the books. I'll just keep chipping away at my long list of posts. Happy Saturday to you all.

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