Saturday, December 30, 2017

The Monkeys are Back in School

And then summer ended...

Well summer didn't end so much as our freedom to do whatever we pleased. We didn't have many complaints though. Summer had been full. Amazingly, getting back to school pictures on the blog was one of the few things I accomplished.

The day before school started was the solar eclipse. I really wanted to go up to ID, but I was already back at work making copies and the younger girls wanted to go to Back to School Night. It was super busy at work the day before school started, you can imagine. I did take a break to go home and see the eclipse with my kids.

I'm not sure where the older girls got eclipse glasses but thankfully they left a set behind so we could share them.

I tried to take a picture through the glasses. It worked okay, but I clearly did it too early.

Radi and Hyrum came down to watch with us. They brought welding goggles which seemed to work fairly well.

And they were the perfect size for Cheeseburger. He has such large eyes, he really needs the protection.

We didn't have the awesome experience that they had in ID, but it was still unique. The light didn't look the same and you could feel a difference in the air although it was hard to place. It just didn't seem usual. It was pretty cool.

The next day (you guessed it) we all went back to school. But to make things a little more busy (because we don't know how to slow down around here) June and I signed up for Education Week. I have gone before when the kids were in school, but this time around it seemed like it would be more fun to take her with me.

It was such a blast. We went to some separate classes and some together. We ate yummy food on campus (although remind me not to get the mint ice cream again) and went to as many classes as we could. We only did classes after 4:30 and we didn't even do them on Wednesday because of Mutual, but we still got to go to plenty. We would meet up on campus depending where the next class was. I plan on taking Robyn next year. Classes can be for youth 14+. They have specific classes for youth and those are sometimes my favorite. (Although the youth don't HAVE to go to those classes.)

I saw this picture on campus in a display. I really like the idea of the Savior reaching into the water to grab your hand, but I don't like the idea that you are already under water.

Finally we got to go over and see cute puppies over at the Moore's. Everyone needs a puppy break now and then. Check out the cuteness.

Ahhh. That is the perfect way to end the first week of school. Puppy therapy.

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