Friday, December 29, 2017

A Bad Case of Fête Day

For Fête day, we have done every color in the rainbow, plus grey, black, and black and white. It was time to branch out a bit before going back to basic colors. So stripes it was. (I've been wanting to do stripes for a while. That and polka dots.)

Fête Day is always a great day. We invited some of our closest friends, one of which has been celebrating Fête Day for years, just never with us. In fact, I believe the Moses' had Fête Day with us and then had Fête Day with their family the day after. Of course, you can never have too much Fête.

Robyn painted our window in honor of the holiday. It looks lovely.

I decided to do an oversized board game this time around. Candyland seemed like the perfect choice. Easy to find paper to make the colored squares. The candy squares were drawn by Robyn. I believe we had Take 5, Snickers, Three Musketeers, Starbursts, and Crunch. There were also a couple licorice squares. You played like the normal game by pulling cards and moving forward. Each team brought their own game marker. This was ours. (Thanks Mom for helping put it together.)

Here you can see everyone sitting around and sending members of their team to pull cards and move their marker. The Dargan's were on our team, and I'm sorry I kept calling our team only Cazier. (I just couldn't remember.) Oh, the pool noodle was our short cut and you'll see rocks on some of the papers because there was a bit of a breeze and we were losing our game board.

The trick was that when a candy square was pulled there was also a mini competition that was done. For instance, with 3 Musketeers, we played 3 Deep. I really love that game, although it isn't for everyone. It is loud and crazy. I think Maggie almost cried when we started and she was more content to watch. Look at these crazies willing to squish Henry to win. (I would too for the record.)

We whittled down the people until we had a smaller group. It was still plenty loud.

But it came down to three winners. Good job guys. They were the only ones who got the candy.

Other games that came up but that I didn't get pictures of were Electricity that went with the Crunch bars. That is the game where you hold hands and flip a coin and you squeeze hands and grab a cup at the end. (Sorry, that wasn't a very good explanation. Check out the web for more detailed instructions.) That was a combined game with all three teams split between the two sides. I just remember that our side won.

We also did a five minute plank with the Take 5 candy. Teams were allowed to choose four people. One would start in plank position and hold out as long as they could. When they gave up, the next person would go. As a team, they had a to go for five minutes. Everyone easily made it!

For Snickers, we did Speak Out. That game is hilarious to watch. Each team had two people use the mouth stretchers and give their team phrases. I think the Cazier team got the most. Mainly because we have such big mouths.

By the time we played our last game, we were losing light. For Starbursts, you had to create teams and toss balloons back and forth. By this time, we didn't really keep score. If you participated, you were a winner. I really like how the light looks in the second picture.

Sadly, our team landed on the licorice right before the end. That meant we all had to eat a piece of black licorice. That is truly an awful punishment.

I think the Moses' were our big Candyland winners, but since it was a fun game with minimal cheating, we were all winners. :)

We all went inside to open our stripey gifts.

And eat our stripey ice cream cake. Yum.

It was a great Fête Day and stripes won the day.

Funny that a couple of the men got the same socks. Great minds think alike...and look great in stripey socks.

Thanks friends and family for coming to play with us. Until next year, may all your dreams of Fête come true.

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