Thursday, December 28, 2017

Monkey Highlights Twelve a.k.a. Raccindians Forever!

We were very lucky to have the Dargan's come and visit right before school started. It had been such a full summer, but there is always a little more room for family.

My mom had enjoyed the pictures of the Paint Nite we had done with Vicki. So we chose a night she was going to be in town for the two of us to go out. She chose the painting and I came along for the ride. It was actually not a painting I would have chosen myself. Here is the original. I always take a picture so I can see it at my seat.

This was the first time I have been to a place that serves alcohol. I've only been to Pier 49 which is non-alcoholic. But it wasn't too bad. Plenty of people were drinking there, but it wasn't too crazy and mom and I had our own table. We are ready to do this.

It is amazing what you can do with only four colors. White, Black, Red, and Yellow.

We have our sky in. I really do love a sunset scene.

Here we are a little further in, with some landscape done.

It was a very enjoyable evening. Mom got creative and added some animals and I shamelessly copied her. It was such a good idea. She had a snake and an owl, and I did both of those and also added a coyote. I was so proud of my coyote. It turned out better than I was hoping. I think we did a great job, and I can happily say this is my favorite painting that I have done. Great choice Mom!

We did a lot of stuff with Tim and Grandma while they were here, including Fete Day, but you should know that gets a post of its own. We played a lot of games. On one of the last nights they were here, we played games but also tried out a facial product.

Everyone got involved (well, not Grandma) and we looked like a tribe of warriors. So we named ourselves the Raccindians. (Ra-kin-dee-ins)

Tribe, look up.

Now make the Raccindian sign. Raccindians forever!!

It is so much fun to spend time with the Dargans. We sure wish we lived closer. And don't be fooled by Grandma's expression. She was thrilled to be playing games with us in our tribal paint.

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